Chapter 3 ||A Departure||

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4 months have passed since Caspian and Cerlesta received the news of their soon-to-be- born cousin.

Cerlesta was utterly excited for her cousin’s birth. If her calculations are right, their aunt is now 6-7 months pregnant. She paid her aunt more visits than often. Her aunt was so pleased with her.

On the other times, after her class time with their professor, she spend most her time with her brother. Training battle skills are her one of favorite things to do with him. She too was skilled as her brother in sword fight, archery and dagger throw. Caspian was a fine swordsman and proved skills in archery too.
He was a ‘best trainer’ as his sister adores him. Training time was quite a fun for both of them.

Everyone loved these two royal. All people, lords, servants, maids, guards, knights and everyone in the castle loved them. Every one they met adored them of their humbleness and gentleness, and their loyalty. They both were the pride and joy of their kingdom.

One fine day, Caspian and Cerlesta went on a horse ride through the market place. Many girls giggled and waved at the young attractive prince. Caspian just gave them smile, not showing any interest at all.

Cerlesta slightly laughed at her brother’s plastered smile. “Oh come on Cas, you can smile better that that, far better, dazzlingly.” She teased.

He turned his head to her and grinned, “I just don’t want them to faint.” He joked and laughed when his sister rolled her eyes.

“Hey, some boys are staring at you too.” Said Caspian jovially.

“Yeah, I know. Let’s get out of here.” She said. “Let’s!” Caspian agreed.

They galloped their horses and rode to the nearest parts of the woods, yet kept distance because of what they have heard about the haunted place. Telmarines feared woods and seas.

After spending a long time there and having food what they have brought, they rode back to the castle.

Once when they dismounted, they walked to inside.

“Wasn’t it wonderful? We should probably go like that twice in a week, what do you think Cery?” asked Caspian and waited for her cheering response.

“Cery?” he called softly, turning back he saw his sister isn’t with him.

Instead he found her on the spot they dismounted, shaking off her cloak after taking it off. Her face was frowned and looked worried.

Caspian catch up to her asking, “Cery, what’s wrong? A touch of concern in his vioce.

“I-It’s my necklace, it’s missing.” She panicked.

Caspian let out a sigh of relief and chuckled, “That’s it? Oh you really worried me!”

“You don’t understand, I’ve lost what you gave and promised to keep it forever with me.” Cerlesta said with a touch of sadness in her voice.

“Oh come on, you don’t need worry about it. It’s just a necklace and I can always buy one for you.” Cerlesta’s frown melted into a slight grin at hearing her brother’s words.

“Besides, at least you managed to keep it for nearly 4 years.” Caspian added with a smirk.


At that night, the professor woke up both the prince and princess and led them to the very top, to the roof of the great tower where they’ve always talked about all Narnian stuff. But this time, their topic was Narnia, yet a different one. Also it was a part of astronomy lessons.

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