Let's Talk Size

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This is a more... mature one-shot, so just fair warning: NSFW themes.

Title: Let's Talk Size

Rating: M

Summary: Midnight starts a more raunchy conversation about the potential of a certain staff member. That leads to a revelation that had been buried deep within the history of heroes and legends.

NSFW themes and also mentions of Chiron's past. Slight angst with a happy ending, some fan theories, and actual mythological references, read at your own risk


Kayama just had to be the one to bring it up when everyone was working after school had let out.

The thought had been on many of their minds after the USJ, but no one really wanted to bring it up.

How big was Chiron really?

Did the whole 'big as a horse' thing apply to him in human form? Or was he evenly proportionate? Though certain individuals were more interested in his true form.

It was safe to say that Yamada almost choked when Kayama waltzed right over to where the centaur in human form was working on something or another and asked him those exact questions— and tacked on the question about his true form.

On one hand, it had been hard to get a hold of him in the staff room as of late. He had been the one that was overseeing Maijima's work, and when they did join the two of them outside... well, it wasn't a conversation to bring up over food. Still, for her to ask that, Yamada was sure that Chiron was going to kill her on the spot if the silence that followed was anything to go by.

"Around fifty centimeters."

Or not.

Wait, fifty?

Yamada snapped his head up, hearing the centaur's voice over the clicking of the keys on keyboards and scratching of pens on papers.

Kayama actually looked disappointed and Yamada noticed as a few others stopped what they were doing. They weren't looking over, but the lack of white noise was evident as pens stopped and hands froze over keys. The only noise was the sound of Chiron still marking essays. Aizawa opened one eye up from where he had been 'napping' in his chair, though it was hard to tell through all the bandages.

"Really?" The R-18 Hero asked, tilting her head and Chiron nodded, not looking up from his work.

"Yes, why? You sound disappointed," he said and she startled a bit before laughing awkwardly.

"I thought you'd resist more before I got the answer out of you, is all," she admitted, rubbing the back of her neck and Chiron blinked, looking up finally.

"You were curious, so I answered," he said, shrugging a bit. "You are not the first person to ask if I am one hundred percent honest." He paused before he chuckled a bit. "Ah, but you could've looked it up."

"You tellin' me that in the old dusty history archives, your size is recorded?" Yamada asked, making both of them look over to him. Chiron only chuckled again at that.

"Yamada, I'm half horse. There's a Wikipedia page on horse anatomy," he told him, leaning back. Yamada blinked before he rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh, right," he said before he looked back down at his paperwork.

The reports and worksheets that needed grading seemed even more unappealing now. The conversation across from him was much more fun.

"If no one's gonna say it, I'm gonna," Maijima said and he glanced over to the lanky man, who was eating part of what was probably Chiron's lunch. "Fifty centimeters seems small for a goddamn horse."

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