From H to T(ea)

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Summary: Toshinori decides to spend his day off at WildKat reading one of the books that Chiron had suggested he read.


Rainy days were always ones to be spent indoors unless one was out Heroing.

Unfortunately, Toshinori had been given strict orders from not only Recovery Girl, but Chiron as well, to rest after the USJ incident. Chiron assured him that the city could handle one day without All Might.

So he relented. He slept in late Sunday Morning, turned the news app on his phone off and avoided the TV news while he ate a light breakfast. Eventually, though, he felt himself getting restless. It wasn't that there wasn't anything to do, but rather that he just needed to be elsewhere.

So he grabbed his umbrella, picking up the book that Chiron had suggested to him a while ago. He stuck it in a bag to protect it from the rain before he put his shoes on and headed out for the day. He was glad that the rain tended to lessen the crowds around the city, villain and civilian alike. It meant less jostling and he was less likely to get accidentally elbowed where his scar was.

Toshinori hummed as he walked, careful to avoid deeper puddles. The cafe he wanted to go to wasn't too far away, which was a good thing. Unlike the current weather, it was a cozy, hole in the wall place and would suit his current predicament well.

Not to mention, Mr. H's tea was very good and from what Chiron had told him, the food would also sit well with his limited diet.

He turned down the alleyway, lips quirking up at the spray-painted mural along the wall that lead to the other side of the building. It was a bit of a complicated way to get to the cafe, but he enjoyed the abstract art that CAT made.

He had read up on CAT briefly several years ago since people had been worried that they were some sort of vigilante, but it turned out they were just some street artist. They had hit Shinjuku and Shibuya as well, but it seemed as if CAT had become more stationary in Musutafu. They must have had some sort of stealth Quirk, people theorized since they never left a trace behind— not even on cameras.

He hummed again, opening the door to the cafe and shivering a bit at the warmth.

"Hey, Mighty man," the familiar voice of the owner and barista came and Toshinori chuckled, raising a hand after he closed his umbrella. The barista's eyes were hidden behind a dark pair of sunglasses, and he looked more like a short-haired Aizawa in a sense.

Mr. H certainly was an enigma.

"Good morning," he greeted, "Well, afternoon. Slow day?"

"Hm, you could say that," the dark-haired man said, "Your usual?"

"For now," He responded, walking to the register. Mr. H just hummed, ringing him up. The blonde paid before he moved over to one of the comfy armchairs. He settled down, pulling the book from his bag.

Chiron was the only person in the school aside from Nezu with permission to access the archives of Pre-Quirk Era history. Because of that, Chiron knew that a number of papers and permissions had to be given so that he could let the students and rest of the staff access the digital part of the archives.

The lock on the archives had surprised him at first— the fact that an archival database existed was surprising in and of itself— but it made sense. History from that far back just wasn't taught in schools anymore. Toshinori only knew of it because it had still been taught when he had graduated, but only in the senior class. the First Years that year had been when it was first dropped.

Of course, he only knew as far back as the Second World War. He, like a number of others, just weren't that interested. It was irrelevant now.

Dave would have said otherwise, though, he knew. The United States apparently covered a bit more (World War One, he thinks) but Dave would always talk about how it was fascinating how people without Quirks were able to advance so far.

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