Missing Blade-Fi

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Battles are torture. They are pointless fights, but a way to show off your strength. Some are strong and worthy to be called a warrior, whereas others aren't as strong and are warriors based on the weapon they hold. Once that weapon is gone, so is the warrior. When Fi had turned into a human, the Master Sword disappeared.

Fi groaned with her mind in a twist. There was no way to explain what had happened that day. Ghirahim had finally joined in on fighting but had a run-in on Fi. They obviously cared for each other, but did Fi's actions tell her otherwise? She turned over to a more comfortable position. "Fi, it's time to wake up." A small faint voice called out. It was the voice of the goddess. 

Fi's eye opened and she brought her body to fully function once again. "Mother?" She whispered before looking around at her surroundings. There she was, sitting in a beautiful bed. She was wrapped in a blanket with nothing being worn. Fi looked around before making out a figurehead down into the bed. It was Zelda. She must've stayed next to Fi, waiting for her to wake up. "P-princess?" 

Zelda's head came up. Her eyes were exhausted and full of fear, but once hearing Fi's voice, she came back. "Fi, you're alright!" She let out a relieved sigh and smile. 

"What happened? I remember that we were fighting, and Ghirahim was-" Fi let her eyes widen in shock and worry. "Where is Ghirahim!? I needed to tell him something, but I could not say at the time!" 

"Fi, Ghirahim was taken away by Zant. He seemed to have been changed, like you."

Fi tilted her head in confusion before looking at a set of bright hands. They were hers. "I-I changed into a human. My form is different." 

"Do you know how this happened?"

Fi nodded and buried her hands into her face. "I'm ashamed of that story though. It has made me soft."

"Fi, we're all soft, it just took a while for you to realize that-" Before Zelda could finish up her sentence, a door nearby swiftly opened up. Impa came through once the door was swung open fully. "Impa, is something the matter?" Fi's eyes closed slowly at the sight of Impa. She brought up the covers over her head. 

Impa walked into the room and brought up her arm to her chest. She took a bow. "Forgive me princess, but it seems Fi has finally awakened." 

Zelda nodded. "Yes, however, she doesn't seem stable enough to see anyone."

"I understand. There is one problem, however."

"What is it?" 

"Link. He's been worried sick since we've returned to the castle." Impa turned to Fi, who was still hiding underneath her covers. "Would now be an appropriate time for him to see you, Fi?"

Fi slowly took the covers off, until they were held beneath her eyes. "Let me get dressed first." Impa simply nodded once and took her leave. 

"Why did you avoid being seen, Fi? Do you fear being seen this way?"

"It's just hard for me to process what happened. I don't want anyone to see me like this."

"Then why Link? Why myself?" 

"I know Link, I know you." Fi's eyes filled up with tears. Her teeth were clenched, along with her hands. "I just want to see him, I'm scared. I just want to see him, again."

"You can't see Link yet, not looking like that." Zelda took something from her lap. It was a silk robe. "You need to put something on."

"With him, I don't," Fi whispered, "we used to do everything together. I'm worried about him."

"Is this Ghira you're talking about? Have you found him?"

"Master and I have met in battle, and I stuck with him until we both changed."

"You both changed?" Zelda thought for a bit, before finally realizing. "Are you talking about Ghirahim-"

The door once again swung open, and Link came running in. "Fi!" He climbed over the bed and collapsed on top of Fi. "Oh, thank the Goddess you're alright!" His voiced seemed relieved. Fi's tears wiped away as she closed her eyes and smiled. She brought up her hands and returned the hug. Zelda looked at the two and smiled. She got up and made her way towards a window, opposite of the door. She thought of something . . .


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