The Beginning

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"Argh!" Ghirahim struck the ground with his heel and dropped himself onto a rock. "Why is it so hard to reason with him? Zant doesn't have control over me, Ghirahim! He can't tell me to hide in the Twilight Realm forever." He looked up at the starry night. "I just want to be in this world, not some broken down palace of darkness." Ghirahim grabbed onto his arms as if he were shivering in the cold. After being turned back to his normal self, Ghirahim had been restricted to his roaming areas. He was not to leave the Twilight Field, however, he's not a rules follower, so ignoring the limits is quite easy for the Demon Lord. Ghirahim had never liked the Twilight Realm due to it being a realm of complete darkness. He didn't like being around darkness, it wasn't how he was created, and it always reminds him of how Hylia left him.

During the midst of the night, Fi snuck out of Hyrule castle and made her way towards the area that had been listed on the note. Fi very much desired to see Ghirahim once again. She had missed the sound of his voice, the gestures he gave to her, his warming smile, she missed it all.

Fi made her way to a small creek with many stones around it. The stream ran down into a small ring of multi-layered trees. In an opening, a path was revealed to go into the center of the trees. She quietly made her way into the small wood, due to many hyrule guards monitoring the surrounding areas. Once at the end of the path, the trees opened up a small area that was perfect for looking at the stars. There, Ghirahim was walking back and forth with his scarf lying on a nearby tree branch.

Fi snuck up behind him and covered his eyes. "Are you surprised?"

Ghirahim felt Fi's wings over his eyes. "Bluebird, is that really you?" He felt relieved once she spoke.

"There is a certainty that I am not who you think I am." Fi jokingly said. Ghirahim took Fi's wings and held them tight in his hands.

He turned around and happily looked at her in the eyes. "You came."

"I received your note from Midna. She held onto it with her life."

"Her life, she did?" Ghirahim looked down. "She really did?" Fi simply looked at Ghirahim. He nodded his head and smiled. "It doesn't matter anymore, now that you've seen it." He brought his hands to Fi's waist. "The reason I wanted to meet with you, is because of this special night.

"What has made this night that special, Ghirahim?" Fi asked.

"When I've observed Hyrule, this night always stuck out to me, and it happens every year. It seemed to be the perfect setting to. . ." Ghirahim paused and turned red. ". . .dance underneath." He cleared his throat. When the sky child and his princess got married, they danced under this very night, and I felt lonely every night after that. So, could you please grant me this wish, and dance with me?" Ghirahim knelt down on one knee and held out his hand. 

Fi didn't hesitate to grab his hand

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Fi didn't hesitate to grab his hand. He got up and placed his other hand on her waist. Ghirahim started to move his feet along with Fi's. They looked at each other whilst dancing around the open area. A small breeze came through the trees and went through ghirahim's loose hair. After seeing Ghirahim's soft smile and flowing hair, she couldn't help but turn a bit pink. He saw her face turn pink, so he laughed a bit.

"I've never seen you show your emotions that much."

"I had thought the same thing, yet I feel an increase in my normal expressions."

Ghirahim laughed again. "I'm not sure what's happened to you in the past few months, but I like it. You're different."

"It seems to be a good thing for you, however, it makes me feel incomplete

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"It seems to be a good thing for you, however, it makes me feel incomplete." Fi sighed while continuing to dance. "For me to express these emotions, I must express them on someone or something."

"If that's what you desire, then I shall give you what you seek." Ghirahim put both his hands on Fi's waist and lifted her up. He started twirling her around while still spilling around. Fi felt a sign of happiness when he lifted her up. She was excited to be dancing with him. Ghirahim placed her back down. He leaned Fi into him, so they could be closer together. Fi's face changed from the normal blue shade to pink. She wrapped her wings around his neck and rested her head on his chest. Ghirahim also rested his head, but instead on top of Fi's head with a bright smile. They continued to rotate around while holding onto each other. "Is this what you needed, my Bluebird?"

Fi smiled slightly and responded. "Yes, this is what I had desired, Ghira."

"That's great."

Link and Proxi walked along Hyrule Field for a night stroll. "Shouldn't we be back at the castle, Link? It's getting really late now." Proxi jingled.

"Soon, I just want to make one more stop for tonight. The other day, I found this small wood that hid a beautiful open space in the middle. On a night like this, I'd like to see the stars from there." Link said.

They made their way down the path before Proxi shook. "Link! I see two people there already!" She flew all around Link.

"There is? Let's check who." Link snuck behind a tree and waited for Ghirahim and Fi to come into sight. When they had reached the tree Link was hiding behind, they stopped.

"I would like to see you smile tonight, just once."

"Ghirahim, you know that is something I am incapable of controlling. I apologize." Link silently gasped and fell back. He continued to listen while trying to also accomplish not making any noise.

Ghirahim grabbed onto Fi's chin and brought her face closer to his. 

He pressed his lips against hers and they stayed there for a bit. Fi didn't resist once again, but followed along with what Ghirahim was doing. He cupped his hands in her cheeks and aligned her head opposite of his.

Link ran out of the woods in disbelief. "That wasn't real, was it?" He asked Proxi. "You saw that as well?"

"Everything you say, I also just witnessed." Proxi jingled.

"How could Fi do this? Loving someone like Ghirahim is just disgusting."

"If you think about it, they have known eachother since they were both created by the Goddess."

"I guess I just can't imagine them liking each other." Link ran back to Hyrule Castle to inform Zelda on what he just saw.

Fi pulled back from the kiss. "I thank you, Ghirahim, for this special night." She embraced him once more.

"I should be thanking you for even showing up after what I did to you all."

"That was a mistake, you do not need to worry about it any longer."

Ghriahim smiled. "I love you Bluebird, don't forget that." 

To be continued.

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