Missing fracture-Ghirahim

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It was dark. After what happened to Fi and Ghirahim, both sides have been hesitant about each other. The fields were quiet, and nothing had become of the fighting. Many shadow beasts have been prowling Hyrule and it's people, however. Zant and his newly expanded forces have been waiting to take over Hyrule. 

Zant walked down the halls of his Twilight Palace. Everything was dark and gloomy, just how he liked it. Zant made his way down to the dungeon, where Ghirahim was being kept. The echo of his footsteps was heard throughout the area, as he grew closer to the Demon Lord. He suddenly stopped and turned towards a cage that was beaten up and completely in ruins. Inside was Ghirahim. His wrists were chained up and hung from the ceiling of his cage. His mouth was covered up by a mask that held his entire head in place. Zant smiled and looked towards a group of shadow beasts. "There were six of you that assigned to take care of him, were there not?" The five remaining beasts all looked over at a lifeless corpse. It was bitten and beaten down, all around the cage. "I see, not matter, you were able to get him restrained, and I applaud you for doing such." Zant walked up the Ghirahim and felt the anger he had. He ripped off the face mask and threw it aside. "Now, you can tell me why you are so angry."

Ghirahim snorted and looked away. "There is nothing I will tell you! Leave me!"

"Why would I leave you? There is nothing you can do to escape. It's either you give me your answer or your imprisonment."

Ghirahim dropped his head. "My answer is none of your concern, however, I would like to see her."

"Don't you mean, your Bluebird-" 

"What have you done to her! Where is she now!" Ghirahim struggled to move, but he desired to attack Zant. 

"She is being held captive. They have taken her from you, and desire only her powers gifted by the Goddess. They left you to me, to rot here in this dungeon. If you help me, I will help you retrieve your precious bird. If I help you, however, you will finally show the Goddess that you are more than what she expected." Zant held up a hand to Ghirahim. "For now, tell me what you remember from our last battle."

"Battle? There hasn't been a battle since the passing of Demise!"

"I see . . ." Zant crossed his arms and walked out of the cage. ". . .So you don't seem to remember anything since your resurrection. That fall must've had an impact on your head, causing you to forget anything that we've done together."

"I don't remember anything about you or your pathetic army."

"Then tell me, what was the last thing you do remember?" 

Ghirahim thought to himself for a moment. "Foolish. I was foolish enough to believe my Master still cared about me! I should've fallen along with him, but she saved me. She gave her freedom to have me still alive. The last thing I remember was hiding from the hero and his cursed friend, then, I heard a voice and changed to my human form."

"Human form? So this is your true form then, is it not?"

"The Goddess created me and Fi to look after Hyrule. To do so, she gave us a human form, so we could hide our unhuman features. I've just stuck with that form because it let me go anywhere I would please without causing destruction. I try to stay away from my old self, for it would bring destruction--" 

"I've heard quite enough, Ghirahim. If you think you're so destructive, then show me." Zant smirked as he saw Ghirahim trying to break free from his chains. In a flash, the Demon Lord was gone and reappeared up in front of  Zant. He pinned him down, while fiercely hanging onto his neck. Zant kicked his legs furiously, trying to get himself free, but Ghirahim seemed to have canceled his power. 

"Tell me, my Lord." Ghirahim got closer to Zant. "Since when did you let your guard down so easily? Was it the fact that you made a mistake by imprisoning me, or your stupidity?" 

"I-- I didn't expect you to be furious with me! I'm not the one you should be hurting, but the hero that stopped you from winning."

"I couldn't care less about him. Once you're dead, I just need to find my . . ."

"Bluebird! He has taken her from you and is using her for selfish deeds." Ghirahim softened his grip on Zant's neck in utter shock. Zant thought up a plan and continued, "He is currently using her for his own desires." 

"Why should I be believing you? After all, you ere the one that chained me up!"

"You should believe me, because, in your human form, we fought together. We both witnessed it happening. Our next target was to get rid of him and stop the line of heroes to free the one you most desire!"

Ghirahim pulled back and glared down at Zant. "You have a plan, don't you?"

"Yes, and it will require you to wipe out the line of heroes that comes after you." 

Ghirahim stepped back and brought up Zant. "I can tell you what you're planning, but I have to make a few modifications to your plan." Ghirahim grinned as his eyes darkened to a crimson red.

"So we're on the same page I see. Welcome to the Twilight, my Lord."

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