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Felix smiles as he walks down the set of stairs in the mansion. "Morning, Grandma," Felix says, kissing the elder's cheek. "Good morning, Felix. Your father isn't here," She says. Felix nodded his head. "He was murdered yesterday," Felix says which made the lady frown. "Dear..."

Felix nodded his head. "Well, I have to get to school. I'll see you afterward," Felix says as he grabbed an apple. He waved and walked to the front door, grabbing his bag that he had placed down earlier. He slips his arms through his straps and adjusted his skirt before leaving the house.

He sighs as he started his way to school.


Felix arrived at the school and already felt the weird looks from his fellow students. He didn't pay any mind as he walked into the school to where his friends were. He spotted one of them and he smiles brightly, walking over to them.

"Hey, emo," Felix says as he nudged the blue-haired. "Shut up, Felix. Just because I like terror cards and I know everything about...that. Doesn't mean I'm emo," He says. Felix chuckles at the male. "I know, Minho. Have you seen Hyunjin?" Felix asks as he looks around.

The named male came running over, stopping and adjusting his glasses. "Sorry! My parents were being bitches," Hyunjin explains as he adjusts his cardigan as well. Felix frowns and nods his head. "How's your grandma?" Hyunjin asks as the three of them started walking towards the roof. 

Felix smiles. "Hopefully better. My father was murdered last night," Felix speaks freely since nobody was around. "By murdered you mean..." Felix nodded his head, "I mean, I killed him myself. I was tired of him hurting my grandma for no reason," Felix says, a scowl coming to his face. Hyunjin pats Felix's head which made Felix look at him.

"So...you the CEO of the business now?" Minho asks. "Yeah...and I'm the leader of the mafia," Felix says doing a little dance. The two males laugh at Felix who was smiling. "So...can we join?" Hyunjin asks. "Of course! Half the members are going to leave probably because I'm 'too young' to be the leader," Felix answers with a sigh.

Hyunjin nudged him and Felix looked at him. "You'll be a great one," Hyunjin says. Felix scoffs. "Of course I will. Better than he ever would've been," Felix says with a grin.


Felix walked down the street to the office. He glanced behind him when he felt someone following him. He saw an older man following him and he sighs deeply, shaking his head softly. He turned into an alleyway, disappearing into the shadow.

He saw the man turn into the alley and look around. Felix stepped out, keeping his hands in his coat pocket. "There's the pretty boy," The man says as he started stepping forward. Felix didn't move and stood still, keeping eye contact with the man who had a smirk grow on his face.

Once he got close enough, the old man raised his hand. Felix quickly grabbed it and twisted the man's arm, forcefully pushing him to the ground. "Don't touch me, pervert," Felix grows as he applied pressure to the man's back with his foot.

The man was groaning in pain but they were luckily further into the alley that nobody could hear him. "Go find a whore to go fuck and touch. I have business to attend to and you're wasting my time," Felix says as he started harshly squeezing the man's hand.

Although Felix's hands were small, they were strong as well. "S-Stop," The man begged but Felix kept going. "If I begged for you to stop, would you?" Felix says as he moved his foot to the man's head, pushing that down now. The man tried to answer but a sentence wouldn't form; only groans escaping.

Felix smirks and lets go of the man. He stepped back and pulled the man up by the back of his shirt. Thanks to Felix's heeled boots, he was around the same height as the man. "I see you around me again and I'll make sure that your face being shoved into the ground isn't the only thing that'll hurt," Felix says.

The man quickly nodded his head and Felix let go of the man. He turned on his heels as he slips his hands into his coat pocket. He exited the alley and looked both ways before going in the directions towards the office building.

He opened the right door and walked inside to be met with a new receptionist. "Oh...hello," Felix says as he walks closer to get a better view of the tall male. "Hi. I'm Johnny, your new receptionist," The tall male says with a smile.

Felix smiles back at him before walking over to the elevator. He glanced back at Johnny who minded his own business, making Felix smile again before stepping into the open elevator. He pressed the 10th floor and the door closed.

He pulled out his phone to check if he got any messages from his friends, which he did. He texted them back before looking towards the door as it opened. He stepped out and walked down the hall towards where the cubicles were.

His footsteps caught the attention of everyone inside and they looked over. As soon as he entered the room, many started whispering which caused Felix to raise a brow. "Yes?" Felix questions one of them.

One of them stood up. "Aren't you too young?" One asks. "I am 19-years-old. I am basically classified as an adult," Felix speaks and some people started working again. "Get back to work," He speaks before turning on his heels and walking towards the elevator.

He got inside once the doors opened and he pressed the top floor. He held eye contact with one of the female workers as she got a cup of coffee. He gave her a small smile before it fully closed. He sighs to himself and rolled his shoulders back.

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