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Felix walked into the hospital, smiling at the receptionist. "Patient name?" She asks. "Lee Minho," Felix answers. The woman typed something on her computer before looking back at him. "Room 376," She replies with a smile. Felix smiles back and walks towards that room.

He entered the elevator and pressed the third-floor button. A doctor entered and Felix smiles at the young doctor who smiles back. The elevator was slow for some reason and Felix could see out of the corner of his eyes the doctor checking him out. Felix held back from punching the man.

The door finally opened and he stepped out to the hallway, making his way towards the male's room. He entered the room to see Minho scrolling through his phone. "Hey, hyung," Felix says as he sat down on the chair next to the bed. Minho smiles and Felix's eyebrows furrow. "What happened?"

Minho started typing on his phone and showed Felix.

My parents found my poison collection. They poured something into water that I already had and since it was clear, I didn't notice it. They had beat me before they did that so I was cleaning the blood off of me in the shower. When I got out and changed, I took a sip and my throat started burning. I saw the bottle and texted the ambulance. I can't talk now.

Felix's hands clench quickly after finishing reading it. "You'll be okay, right?" Felix asks. Minho smiles and nods his head quickly typing, I'll be learning sign language so you should too. Felix nodded his head with a smile. "Okay. Well, you're being discharged in a couple of minutes so I brought you clothes."

Minho smiles and takes the bag. Felix stood up and looked at his phone. "Where are you staying?" Felix asks. Minho typed on his phone again. I don't know. I was going to ask Hyunjin since he lives alone. Felix nods his head and leaves the room, calling someone.

Minho closed the curtains and changed into what Felix brought him; ripped jeans, a white tank top, and a leather jacket. He slips the shoes on and pulled out his phone, fixing his hair. He nods his head and slips his phone into his back pocket.

He rubbed his throat with a frown as he grabbed the bag. He stepped out of the room to see Felix ending a call. He tilts his head but Felix pats his back with a smile. "It's nothing." Minho nodded his head and followed Felix to the front desk.

Minho typed on his phone quickly and showed Felix. "Yeah. We can head over there," Felix says and Minho smiles brightly. After checking Minho out and scheduling his checkup, they left. Minho's eyes widen as he saw a slick black car waiting. Felix chuckles and they got in the back. "Can you head to Minho's house, hyung?" Felix asks the driver.

Minho looked and his eyebrows furrow, nudging Felix. "Oh! Minho that is Jaehyun. He's my driver," Felix says as they buckle in. Minho nods his head. "He knows where you live. I gave him everyone's address...which is literally you and Hyunjin." Minho's shoulders bounce as he shakes his head, signaling he was laughing.


After getting all of Minho's things, his new pills, and dropping him off at Hyunjin's apartment, Felix was driven home. "Do you need anything else, sir?" Jaehyun asks as he pulls up to the boy's house. "No. Thank you though," Felix answers with a smile as Felix unbuckled.

Jaehyun smiles back and Felix exited the car. He entered the house and slipped off his shoes, confused at the quietness of the house. "Jeongin?" Felix calls as he walked to the younger's room. He opened the door to see the male not there, neither his phone. "Must be out somewhere," Felix says.

He looked around the halls. "Grandma?" Felix calls, finding it weird that his grandma wasn't out of her room. He walked down the stairs and over to his grandma's room. He opened the woman's door and he felt somebody slam his heart.

He ran over to the woman's bed and placed two fingers on the woman's neck. "No..." He said as he fell to his knees. "Grandma...why now?" He says as he looked at the female who was dead. He stood up and removed the blanket, his blood running cold as a scowl came to his lips.

"Whoever killed her...won't live to see another hour."


I have a lot of drafts so....another update after this one :p

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