Chapter One

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Growing up in a noble family had its ups and downs. For instance, we could pretty much purchase anything our hearts desired. Lands, fancy clothing, expensive jewelry, you name it. Growing up, I had practically everything I had ever wanted. However, there was always a downside to having such a high standing in society. Which brings me to the downs of being a noble. For one, I wasn't really allowed to express myself in the way I wanted, and being a woman only made that all the more difficult. I had to act like a stone wall, most of the time, and it was rather exhausting. I had to wear certain dresses Mother approved of, and I had to wear my hair up in whatever design she wished. Being a noble was much harder than the commoners thought to be. However...there was something far worse than being forced to act like this, or wear that, yadda, yadda.

Arranged Marriage.

I honestly could not fathom why parents saw it fit to arrange marriage to a child that had just been born, especially if that child never met their betrothed until years later. What was the point? More money? Well, we already had plenty of that. Status? Our status was already incredibly high, especially in the eye of our good King Henry.

So why was I sitting here, my best gown on as I awaited the man my parents were forcing me to marry?
I nibbled at my bottom lip, all but pushing my food aside with my fork.

"Melani Rosethorn, you better eat the meal that was so graciously given to you," Mother hissed, blue eyes narrowed as she shot a fake smile to one of the servants.

Father also gave me a side glance, and it took all I had not to shrink down in my seat. Biting the inside of my cheek, I forced myself to take a bite of the salad that was provided for me, a look of distaste crossing my features as I chewed the limp greens, and poorly boiled eggs.

Was this really what I was going to be stuck with after my, oh so wonderful parents tossed me off to the highest bidder? Ugh, I did not want to eat this even if I were dying of starvation and this happened to be the last meal on Earth.

"Ah, Your Highness! I am so blessed that you agreed to meet with us," I heard Mother speak, my eyes darting from the sad excuse that was my meal, to the handsome older gentleman Mother greeted, my eyes widening when I recognized him as King Henry.

What on Earth was going on? Surely my betrothed wasn't the king was it? He was already married to Queen Beth, and had a son around my age...wait.

"And this is Melani? My, she has grown into an exact copy of you, Camille, I must say."

Mother gestured for me to stand up, giving me a subtle death glare when I hesitated. I immediately jumped up, knocking over my wineglass and causing all of its crimson contents to spill across that very expensive white tablecloth.

"Melani! I apologize immensely, Your Highness, it seems my daughter left her wits at the manor."

"I-I am so sorry," I stammered, shoving napkins onto the growing puddle. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, my cheeks pinkened from shame and embarrassment.

"Ah, reminds me of my sweet Beth when we first married. Twas a shy, clumsy little thing." I felt warm fingers slip under my chin, my face being lifted as King Henry stared at me with sky colored eyes. "Do not be embarrassed, sweet Melani. It's alright to be nervous about spending the rest of your life with my son, Prince William."

And there it was. I-I was apparently betrothed to Prince William. How on Earth had my parents managed that? Oh, how wonderful, it seems that the world was spinning around me now. Perhaps I had fashioned my bodice too tight.

"Alright, we will take good care of Melani, Lady Camille. I assure you, my William will absolutely adore her."

In the middle of my mini panic attack, I watched as Mother and Father approached me, both eyes on me as they leaned forward and gave me a tight hug. A hug that hurt as Mother pressed her painted lips against the shell of my ear. "If you mess this up Melani, I swear to you I will make the remainder of your life a living hell. Do you understand me?" She pulled away from my rigid form, a false smile on her face. "I love you my precious daughter. Be kind to His Highness William. We will be at your wedding in a month to see you off." She patted my cheek and turned to King Henry, curtsying before she and Father left, leaving me alone with the ruler of our country. 

"Come sweet Melani. Allow me to take you to my son. He would have come himself, but I'm afraid that boy is obsessed with the notion of overtraining himself." He chuckled and shook his head, a fond smile on his handsome face. "I'm sure you can pull him out of such a mindset. He may not admit it, but once he falls for you, he will endeavor to do anything for you."

I felt my face pinken in embarrassment and I averted my eyes, my heart beating a mile a minute. "You astound me with your confidence in me, Your Highness," I managed to speak, twirling my fingers shyly in front of myself.

"Melani, in a month's time, I am to be your father-in-law. Such formalities are not needed. Just call me Henry."

My blush darkened. "You are too kind to me."

Henry's grin widened. "Of course! You're family now. Ah, here we are."

I turned my attention to the large double doors we were approaching, Henry placing the palm of his hand against the polished oak surface. He pushed the doors open and revealed a large, padded room, wooden swords and shields placed on the walls in an almost...decorative way. And in the middle of the room was a man, shirtless, his blond hair pulled back by a tie as he swung a spear-like weapon around, almost...gracefully.

"William! Come say hello to your future wife!" Henry spoke, causing the other man to turn around, revealing an incredibly handsome man with ravishing sage colored eyes.
Sweat was dripping down his tanned flesh as he approached us, the man barely sparing a glance at me as he snatched a towel off of a rack, gently dabbing the cloth against his forehead.

"Father, I've told you not to interrupt me when I'm training."

"Yes, but seeing as your betrothed arrived today, I felt that you need to begin getting to know your future wife."

William's sage colored eyes finally darted towards me, a look of boredom crossing his features as he scratched at his stubbled jaw. "Take her to my bed chambers until I'm finished with my session." He tore his gaze from me, and I don't know why, but my heart dropped, shame filling me as I averted my eyes to the floor.

Why was he so dismissive of me? Was I not pretty enough for him? I know that I was rather flat chested for a woman...and maybe I was a little taller than most, but surely he didn't care only about my body, right? I could still birth an heir for him, could still cook and clean and properly do everything that any other woman could do.

Whatever. He could be as picky as he wanted to be, because whether he wanted or not, I was going to be his wife. So...he was going to have to deal with me, even if he doesn't want to.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, my gaze lifting from the floor to meet Henry's gaze. "Do not take his attitude to heart, Melani. He has been this...unique since he was a child. Just give him some time to open up, ok?"

"I cannot concentrate with you rambling over my shoulder, Father," William spoke from where he stood, his spear in his hand as he stared back at Henry.

Henry snorted and waved his fingers in a wave before gently placing his hand against the small of my back. "That boy, I swear." He shook his head and glanced down at me. "In any case, come, let me show you to William's chambers."

A/N: Pic above is of Melani! 

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