Chapter Thirty-Three

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I didn't even have to turn around to know that Thomas was starting at me. I could literally feel his gaze burning a hole into my back, and at first, I didn't know why he was staring at him so intently. But, after a moment, it dawned on me.

Anthony had called me a "him" right in front of the older Healer.

Now, I couldn't be mad at him considering our current situation, but I couldn't help but wonder what Thomas was going to do with such information. Was he going to tell Henry and Beth? Was he going to demand a ransom to keep this knowledge a secret? Maybe I was thinking too far ahead. Maybe I was just stressing myself out for no reason. I mean, maybe he didn't even hear Anthony at all and I was just thinking too hard on it.

No. With the way Thomas was staring at me, I knew he heard it. And I guess William came to the same conclusion as me, for his tanned skin had paled, sweat marring his brow while his sage eyes remained on Anthony.

"Your Highness," the man in question spoke, causing me to flinch while Anthony went stark white, "may I inquire as to why your...friend there, called the future Queen of England a "he"? I do realize I am getting up there in age, but I do know that my hearing is still impeccable."

William's sage gaze briefly snapped to me before the blond pursed his lips and stood up, turning his attention to the older man. "Are you sure you heard right? I have lain with Lady Melani and I can firmly say that she is very much a woman."

Thomas snorted and tilted his head, the older man stuffing some of his stuff back into the wicker basket he had brought. "Your Highness, I have advance knowledge of the structure of both men and women and there are some differences that may go unseen to an untrained eye. When Melani's stitches ripped, was I not the one to repair the damage? And while you both were adamant about keeping the lower half covered, I was able to see the structure of Melani's hips, and it is much too narrow to be a woman's." My heart dropped and I looked at Anthony, who had his face in his hands. "I had my suspicions when I met Melani, but your friend there confirmed that he is indeed a man."

William visibly gulped and lowered his gaze, his voice slightly shaking as he spoke. "You mustn't say a word to anyone, Thomas. If word gets out, Melani and his entire family will be beheaded for treason. Melani is a good man, he doesn't deserve such a fate."

Thomas waved his hand in the air dismissively as he grabbed his satchel and turned to my husband. "I won't tell. What use would snitching give me? It's not like it's any of my business what flesh interests you, Your Highness. However...I would like to ask for one thing in return."

William narrowed his eyes suspiciously, and to be honest, I was shocked as well. He knew of my true gender...yet he was choosing to keep such vital information to himself? What did he think he could accomplish by doing such a thing?

"And what may this "one thing" be, I ask you? Surely you want something of value to keep a secret such as this to yourself."

Thomas shrugged, and even had the audacity to smirk mischievously. "I merely wish to be transferred to another room in the castle. The one I am currently occupying is much too small and cluttered for me, and with me getting up there in age, I'd rather not be wary about whether or not my room is going to kill me."

"I-Is that really all you want?" I wondered in shock, my brows raised as Thomas turned his attention to me.

"Were you expecting me to ask for a hefty sum of money? Psh, I'm paid just fine for a palace Healer."

William was nibbling at his bottom lip when I looked towards him, his eyes glazed over in distrust as he nodded. "I can have you arranged elsewhere if that is what you truly desire."

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