Chapter Seventeen

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My face lit aflame and I practically jumped away from Anthony, the man's eyes filling with annoyance as he turned to greet our newest...guest. His lips pulled thin. "Lord Arthur. To what do I owe this...pleasure?"

Arthur merely cocked a brow, those blue eyes darting towards me, practically drinking me in with no shame at all. "I was merely walking and minding my own business, when I came across a soldier trying to get into Her Highness' dress." He took a step forward and placed his hands behind his back, cocking his head as a look of curiosity crossed his features. "Does Prince William know of this? Surely he would not be happy to hear about such...betrayal. Especially from a guard he is...fond with."

A vein in Anthony's neck twitched, his eyes firmly on the annoying other male. "I assure you, Lord Arthur, nothing of that nature was happening."

Arthur pursed his lips, shooting that gaze back towards me before he lifted his nose in the air like some snobbish rich kid and walked away, causing me to cover my face in shame. Had I really been about to kiss Anthony? My husband's lover? What had I been thinking?! Goodness, this was super embarrassing. I mean, I couldn't even look at the other man right now because I was so embarrassed.

"Come, Lady Melani, the kitchens are not too far from here." Anthony's voice drew me out of my head, and, for some reason, made my face turn even redder as I nodded and followed him in silence, not really knowing what to say. Then again, hadn't William offered for Anthony to please me, before my so called secret was found out? Was that still even an option? Would he want to take me, even though I was not a woman?

Goodness Melani, why does your brain always turn to the perverse side, I wondered to myself, making sure my face was away from the other man so that he wouldn't see my massive blush. And to think you actually wanted it, too. I nibbled at my bottom lip and pinched the bridge of my nose, not realizing that Anthony stopped until I basically ran into him.

"Goodness! I-I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I apologized as the other man turned around to give me a small smile.

"It's alright. We're here." He walked into the kitchen with me following, and walked up to one of the cooks, giving the other man a warm smile. "Do you by any chance have any breakfast left over? Lady Melani forgot to grab a plate as she was quite busy."

The cook, a bulbous thing with a red face, nodded, giving a toothless grin to Anthony. "Of course, just let me go gather a plate for Her Highness."

Anthony nodded and we watched as the cook disappeared into an adjoining room, leaving Anthony and I by ourselves. I nibbled at my bottom lip, shooting sneaky glances towards the other man, my eyes trailing down his tanned chiseled jaw, then up to those bright teal eyes that were surrounded in long, thick lashes. There was no denying that he was an attractive man...but did that warrant such perverse thoughts from me?

"Ah, thank you very much," Anthony spoke as the cook walked from that room, carrying a plate of bacon, sausages and eggs, along with a slice of buttered toast. Immediately my mouth began watering, my stomach rumbling for just a taste of that delicious looking dish.

I watched Anthony grab it before he nodded in my direction, signaling that we could return back to the room. The walk there was silent, but once I was situated at a small table in the room, I smiled over to Anthony as he placed the plate down in front of me. "Thank you for accompanying me. I'm afraid I'm rather awkward around new people." I grabbed the fork and took a bite of the eggs, almost moaning at how delicious they were.

Anthony sat down across from me, folding his hands regally overtop the table surface. "There is no need to thank me, Melani. I enjoy your presence."

I blushed at that, nibbling at my bottom lip as I sat my fork down and looked at him, feeling embarrassed for even thinking of asking him this. " the hallway...were you..." my face reddened and I shook my head, staring down at my plate. "You know what? Nevermind, I should probably just eat."

"I was. A-About to kiss you, I mean," he spoke, although his voice was barely above that of a whisper. And when I looked at him, I noticed that his tanned cheeks were bright red, his teal eyes staring at me intensely.

"O-oh." It was the only thing I could really manage at the moment, my mind a whirlwind of questions and emotions that I couldn't really sort through currently. He had been about to kiss me. So I hadn't imagined that. But why? And leave it to me to accidentally ask that last part out loud, and once I heard it leave my mouth my face flamed.

Anthony gave me a shy smile. "I'm not honestly sure. It seemed like the right thing to do in that moment. My heart wanted it...and to be honest, I wanted it as well."

"B-But what about William? He is your lover, yes, surely you shouldn't want to kiss me-"

"Did he not offer you to me when we both believed you to be a woman?" I blushed when I felt him lay his hand over mine, his fingers warm, and calloused against my own, and his skin such a stark contrast from mine. "And he is not one to shy away from sharing. We have had moments where we indulged in a third party whenever we made love. And Melani? I like you. You're sweet, and shy, beautiful...and, I don't know, I just wanted to taste those lips of yours. I apologize if I had made you uncomfortable, it wasn't my intention."

I could hardly breathe with how hard my heart was pounding against my chest, shock being the only emotion I could pinpoint as I stared at him, my mouth slightly agape. "I-I..." What could I even say? He liked me? Even though I was married to his lover? Woah, was this a strange situation or what. But he liked me. He wanted to kiss me. Did...did he want to lay with me as well?

My face turned even redder, if that was possible.

My heart sped in my chest when Anthony stood up from where he sat, making his way over to me before he knelt down to my height, his warm hand against my cheek. "I didn't make you uncomfortable, did I?"

I shook my head, staring into those gorgeous teal eyes that were like the ocean on a sunny day. "N-No. I-I'm just...really shocked, is all. To be honest, I really am at a loss of words right now. like me?"

Anthony nodded, lowering his gaze momentarily before it shot back up towards me. "I do, Melani. I am not sure as to when I began seeing you in a different light, I just know, that deep down, it feels right to me."

I nibbled at my bottom lip, not missing how his eyes dropped down at the action. I really could not believe that I was going to ask this, but sweet Mary, what was I to do? "I-I give you permission. T-To kiss me."

Anthony's brows shot high on his forehead in surprise, his mouth falling agape as he stared at me. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel obligated to kiss me because of what I told you, I-"

I shut him up by slamming my mouth against him, his lips warm and a bit rough against my own. I was doing it. I...I was kissing Anthony Locke. And I liked it.

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