ONE *amelia*

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I lay awake, unable to fall back to sleep. Link's hand travels along my waist as he pulls me in closer.

"What's going on in that head of yours," he whispers in my ear.

I turn around to face him and press my lips on his. I gently place my fingers on his chiseled jawline.

"I can't sleep." I sigh. "And I'm almost positive that our son is going to start crying any second, so there's no point in shutting my eyes." I explain.

Link smirks. I raise an eyebrow. "What?" I ask.

"You're cute when you're stressed,"

I laugh and push away from him. "How about tomorrow you see Mer and Maggie. Or something." He suggests.

"What good will that do?" I sit up.

"Well, you haven't made any human contact with anyone besides me and our son for 10 weeks, I think it's time." Link puts his hand on mine.

"Or, you could go back to work. I can stay home for the next two weeks."

"No, I want to. It's okay. I'm okay." I turn around and make my awkward smile that always makes him laugh.

"I'll take Scout tomorrow, go have fun."

I lay back down and cuddle into his chest.

Then, just as I guessed, Scout starts whaling from his crib. Link props up before I can and rushes over to him. He stands at the end of our bed and rocks Scout with a bottle.

"I kinda like you, you know that?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, I'm almost warmed up to you too." He winks.

I don't know how much fun Mer's is anymore, but I head over there anyways. Her and Maggie have come over to meet Scout and to see him a few times, but for the most part it's been Link and I and that's been really nice.

Our own little family.

I open the door and Ellis runs into my arms. "Hey, girl! You're getting too big!" I exclaim and hold her at my side.

Ellis and I were always the closest, then shy little Bailey. "Hey," I sigh and walk into the kitchen.

My eyebrows raise. Teddy, Maggie, Mer, and, wait, Addison?

"Hey!" Maggie exclaims but I'm stuck on the fact that Addison Montgomery is standing in front of me.

"Amy," she sighs.

"Wha- what are you doing here?" I ask. And set Ellis down to go run and play.

I look at Meredith surprisingly and she makes a face back. My eyes widen and I lean against the counter. "What's going on?" I ask sternly.

"Nothing, how are you? How's-," Maggie stops before asking about Scout.

I didn't tell Addison, and I have a feeling she's going to murder me.

To brush off the awkwardness, I turn to Teddy.

"Teddy," I smile.

"Amelia," her eyebrows raise.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Maybe," her voice trails off.

"Who's it gonna be next, Link?"

Teddy's jaw practically drops.

"Oh shit," Maggie exerts.

I turn to Maggie and squint. "Why does this keep happening?"

"Wait, what's going on?" Meredith asks.

"You know, putting 'don't tell Amelia' at the end of a dirty secret makes it more of a chance of me actually finding out." I tell Teddy.

"How did you? How did you find out?" She asks, genuinely shocked.

She snaps back. "And anyways, it's none of your business!"

"Teddy, you made it my business the second you blamed your mistake on me."

I turn to Addison, heated up. "What are you doing here?"

"Bailey called me, she needs me for a patient. Sorry I didn't tell you."

Before getting mad at her, I rethink my decision to not tell her about Scout. I have no room to get angry.

"Teddy, I'm sorry. But this isn't my fault. It was a hypothetical situation." I sigh.

"I didn't mean to put the blame on you, I just, don't know how to handle it and I needed to blame someone. How did you find out?" She asks again.

"I just- I just found out. No one told me. I saw it with my own eyes."

She grabs my arms and pleads to me. "Don't tell Owen, I swear to god I will."

"Of course I'm not going to, after all, it's not my business. But are you going to tell Owen because you love him and want to be with him, or are you saying it because you feel guilty?"

"I don't know yet."

I sigh. "When did this happen?"

"After I found out the baby might be Owen's." She admits.

"What baby?" Meredith and Addison ask at the same time.

I look over and purse my lips. "Nothing, it's over. And the baby isn't Owen's."

"What baby?" Addie asks again.

"K, so, Addison. I kinda had a baby and I kinda didn't tell you. I have a million reasons why but I didn't expect for you to really find out." I finally let it out.

"What?" Her eyes widen and she walks over to me.

She wraps her arms around me and laughs. "Woah," I say, thoroughly surprised.

"That's so exciting! Amy, why didn't you tell me?" She asks, hurt.

"I already told you, I have my reasons I just don't feel like saying them right here, right now." I try to explain.

Maggie looks at me confused.

"Link said this would be fun," I joke.

I don't really know how to be serious in a serious situation. All that comes out of my mouth is a sarcastic and petty one-liner.

"Christopher," Addie says softly and my eyes glimpse at her expression.

My hormones are still insane and I feel a rush of emotions come over me.

I look up at the ceiling, press my tongue on the roof of my mouth, and hold back tears.

"Yeah, that's probably number one." My voice cracks.

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