3 - Let's Get Started

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Jason was going to meet Emily for the third night in a row but he was seriously second-guessing himself as he rode there on his motorcycle. What if she thought he was a creep for coming every day, even though he knew she had asked him to come again? What if she was actually working for an enemy like Rose had who knew he was or used to be a member of the Titans? What if she was just a figment of his imagination to get over Rose?

He muttered "fuck Rose" to himself, shaking the thought of them dancing together in his room back at HQ out of his head. There were so many questions in his head that Emily needed to answer. That was why he had shown up at the school dressed as his superhero persona. As he paced back and forth, deciding whether or not it was right to trick her into being candid with him about his civilian self, Emily was gazing at his moving figure from the window he always slipped in through, cocking her head to the side curiously.

She would have yelled for him to come up but she didn't want to disturb anyone, especially since she was technically trespassing and had been for some months. The moment Jason chose to raise his head, she had already slipped her head back into the building. She bit her lip, shifting her weight from the heels of her feet to her toes and back. Why was she so excited to see him, anyway when he would probably disappear from her life soon?

She quickly answered the pessimistic question by saying he was her first irl friend and he wasn't going to abandon her, hopefully. Her eyes widened however when a thick grey fog filled the room suddenly. She mentally applauded her genes because she wasn't asthmatic, coughing when she inhaled some of the smoke. It dissipated quickly and her eyes went wide when she noticed a guy wearing a black mask with an 'R' on his chest pressing his hand against his forehead.

"Oh. My. God. Oh my- You're... I mean, you're- you're him. You're the- you're the guy that- and you're here and-" he groaned slightly, struggling to get up and she rushed to his side. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Jason cursed within himself. The plan was to enter dramatically and flirt a little so he could butter Emily up, then ask her some questions about a friend of his, Jason Todd. Instead, he had made a blunder while slipping in through the window and now his forehead was throbbing painfully from the impact it had made with the wall. He struggled to think of an excuse while begging his forehead to stop stinging although he was repeatedly telling himself he deserved the pain within his mind. Looking up, he decided not to give up just yet on the flirting and in a deep, gravelly voice, he muttered, "You know, you're even cuter than he said you were."

"Well, your face is pretty, too - I mean - you're not too bad yourself...?" She There was a slight tremor in her voice and Jason chuckled within himself at her attempt to hide her flushed cheeks with her hands. She cleared her throat and, with a voice so utterly monotone that the teen in front of her nearly broke character by laughing, she asked, "so... What happened, Robin?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you but... I was fighting these guys- not just regular guys cos I would beat those kinds of people but a lot of Joker's henchmen-"

"But the Joker stays in Gotham. Oh no, is he planning to branch to San Francisco?!" She exclaimed with fear-filled eyes. Jason tried to sit up so he could wink and refute the claim but she pushed him back down gently.

"No, no, of course not! They were getting some arms from some dealer here and they were like a dozen men- two dozen, actually!"

"I'm sorry... You fought twenty-four of the Joker's crazy men by yourself and you only got a bump on the head?"

"Of course not. You seem to think that's unbelievable but anyway, Batman was fighting with me. Plus, all my other wounds are internal. I mean, one of them called me a wet blanket cos I sucked the joy out of the party they were having. That really hurt me in here," he confessed, placing his hand on his right chest. She shifted his hand towards the left and he smiled, starting to get up. She pushed him down again, shaking her head.

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