Chapter One

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First new chapter. The books chapters will be different and the some things in the book will change. 

Lying awake on my bed looking up the ceiling, thinking how my life had changed in the last twelve months. Starting with my father being killed by a well-known rouge pack. Six months after my sixteenth birthday, my father had gone out to investigate the rouge pack and he never came back alive. That was the worst day of not just mine but my whole families lives. When my father died my mother stepped down and my older brother Sean took over as Alpha with his mate Rachel

A knock on the door alerted me that someone was at that door 'it's open' I mumbled out 'morning Nora. How was your sleep?' I groaned 'fine. What do you want Mitchell?' Looking at my twin brother, we both have the same blue eyes as our parents and blonde hair like our mother 'what I want is a way out of this event today' I laughed and sat up 'you know that's not possible. Mums been planning this for months Mitch don't disappoint her by not showing up to our birthday party. The WHOLE pack would be there' Mitchell sat down on the bed 'but it's every pack member Nora. That's including the two females' I laughed cutting him off 'that's your fault for doing what you did. And don't say it's because you've got Alpha blood and next in line, that's not the case at all brother'

Mitchell growled 'shouldn't you be worried about the males? Come on Nor you seriously cannot be that blind to see it all' I rolled my eyes 'yes I see it but I'm not you who actually does something about it. Yes they were the ones that spread their legs for you but you didn't have to put yourself in them' I stood up and walked to the bathroom 'I didn't. It just happened' I looked at him 'and what you just miraculously slipped and fell into them? Damn you suck at lying to me. You forget we came from the same cell and are twins I can tell when you're lying' I closed the bathroom door 'I... I... oh forget it' I laughed to myself 'you can't win with me Mitchell now get the hell out so I can get ready' I jumped into the shower to wake up

Finishing my shower in record time I got out and dried myself off and wrapped a towel around my waist and a hair towel in my hair. Walking back into my room, I noticed that there was a beautiful black dress on the bed. Running my hand over the dress I notice it's silk 'it's beautiful isn't it' I jumped grasping my towel tight 'oh sorry lovely I didn't mean to scare you' Rachel was standing at the door. Rachel is Sean's mate and I can see why Sean fall in love with her immediately she had mouse brown hair with dark eyes and long legs 'that's okay I should've realised someone was standing at the door. Yes it's beautiful' Rachel come up beside me 'I wore it once. Think I was the same age as you or was I younger? Doesn't matter now, I want you to have it. Today is your day' I rolled my eyes. Walking to my chest of drawers I got out a strapless black bra and panties slipping them on under my towel 'Nora I want to tell you something?' I turned around throwing the towel in the hamper and slipping into the dress 'sure what's up?' Rachel went behind me and zipped me up. The dress hugs me in all the right places, my curves and my breasts 'I'm pregnant' I turned around and hugged Rachel 'congratulations Rach does Sean know?' Rachel laughed 'no he doesn't, I'll tell him later. But right now I want you to get into the bathroom so I can do your hair and makeup'

Twenty minutes later Rachel took a step back 'perfect. Have a look at yourself' I looked into the mirror and my makeup looked natural and my hair was in a braided bun 'wow thanks Rach' I stood up and we walked back into my room again. There was another knock on the door really should just leave it open now I went to the door and opened it and my mum was standing there in a navy dress her hair was down with nude heels 'happy birthday my baby girl. Can I come in?' I nodded my head 'you look beautiful mum' I was just about to close the door when my older brother Sean stepped in 'happy birthday baby sister' I growled 'I may be your baby sister but bet I could beat your ass' Sean let out a laugh 'very funny. You look beautiful. Now as the Alpha I have to escort you down and Rachel will be doing the same to Mitchell. You ready?' I looked at Sean confused when is he like this? Sean noticed my staring and shook his head and walked out with me on his arm

The Alpha and his Luna *being edited*Where stories live. Discover now