Trial #4- Chatterbox

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Changbin's eyes fluttered open and he squinted up at the ceiling as the room's bright lights flooded his vision. 

He let out a small groan and sat up slowly, surveying his new surroundings. 

It appeared that he was in the medical section of the facility. 

A few doctors scurried around here and there and Changbin watched as one of them walked over to a younger boy sitting on the edge of a hospital bed. 

The doctor grinned as the young boy blinked up at him innocently. 

"Hello Jeongin! What are you in here for today?" 

Jeongin shrugged and swung his legs back and forth, looking down at the floor boredly. 

"I don't know, another check up?"

The doctor chuckled and pulled out his stethoscope. 

"You got that right! Don't worry though, if you behave I'll give you a lollipop after. Alright?" 

Jeongin nodded and sat up straight as the doctor listened to his heartbeat and breathing. 

After testing Jeongin's blood pressure and taking a sample of his blood, the doctor walked over to the counter and returned with a cherry lollipop. 

"Here you go! Great job today Jeongin!" He beamed, giving Jeongin the lollipop and then going over to the other doctor's to talk. 

Jeongin studied the lollipop and then carefully took off the wrapper, placing it down on his hospital bed and licking the lollipop precariously. 

Out of the corner of his eye he caught Changbin watching him and he smiled, looking over at Changbin and giving him a little wave. 

Changbin shivered and hesitantly waved back, thinking back to Hyunjin's scar from the seemingly innocent boy. 

Then Jeongin got off his bed and started walking over to him. 

Changbin panicked and scrambled to the back of his hospital bed, tucking his knees up to his chest. 

Changbin felt a little tap on his arm and he slowly looked up into Jeongin's dark eyes. 

Jeongin tilted his head and his eyes roamed over Changbin's small frame, sizing him up in a way. 

"Hello! Your name is Changbin right?" 

Changbin nodded and rested his chin in between his knees. 

"Yes, what do you want?" 

Jeongin grinned and his pupils seemed to shrink with malicious intent. 

"I just came over to examine you before our fight. I'm worried for you, normally the doctors wouldn't pair me up with someone so weak." He murmured, sucking on his lollipop mischeiveously. 

Changbin's eyes narrowed and he glared at Jeongin, his wings stretching out to their full length. 

"Hey I'm pretty sure I'm older than you! There's no need to talk rude to your hyung!" 

Jeongin snickered and shook his head. 

"That's what makes it even more pathetic! You're older than me and yet you're weaker than me!" I'm sorry, but I think I'll go easy on you. I don't want to accidentally debilitate you!" 

Changbin growled and grabbed onto Jeongin's shirt, pulling him forward. 

"Spare me your pity! I want you to go all out when we fight!" He snapped, his eyebrows furrowed angrily. 

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