What Are You Doing?

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"You know what? Zuma has been acting really weird lately. I mean he's been getting up really early, taking a lot of baths. Like one every day?! Sometimes twice a day. Also, he's taking his trash out a lot more often, and talking to Ryder a lot, and is now really cautious when someone's in his room. What's going on?" Chase's mind asked himself as his thoughts about his young friend were flowing.

"You know what? I'm going to go do a bit of digging. I'm going to go find what ever it is Zuma is hiding in his room." Chase tells himself.

With that said, Chase stood up and walked out of his pup house, and over to the young labs pup house. With a quick look around himself to make sure no one was looking, Chase went to open the door... only to find that it was locked.

"I for got. Dammit Zuma. What's so important to hide that you need to lock your door shut?" Chase asked himself. "Well so much for that plan."

The curious shepherd walked walked around a bit trying to find a way in. While doing so, his thoughts started flowing again.

"Why did Zuma leave the lookout? I mean i know Ryder's out on a mission, but Zuma wasn't one of the recruits, it was only Rocky and Marshall. Ryder didn't even tell Zuma to be on deck, and when i asked him why he was leaving, he said he was on a mission." The shepherds mind raced. It raced and raced all around this subject while he tried to find a way in. Then it hit him.

"I got it!" Chase said as he raced back to his room.

The lock that Zuma recently got was one of those smart locks, and one of the features were facial recognition. All he needed to do was get a picture of Zuma, hold it up to the camera, and it should work.

With that said Chase went to go get the picture of Zuma that he had framed, and took it to the door.

Something Chase like to do to remind him of the family around him that makes him feel special, is get a framed picture collage of each pup and hang it in his room so that he can look at it and the fun memories.

Chase took the single picture of Zuma from his frame, and held it up to the camera. Chase crossed he fingers and waited. Two seconds later there was a clicking noise.

"Not such a smart lock after all." Chase said.

Chase quickly ran the frame back to his room before dashing into the labs room. He closed and locked the door behind himself to make it look like nothing happened.

"Now lets see, where should i start looking?'' Chase asked himself. "I think his Bureau would be a good start."

With that said he went over to Zuma's bureau.

In the first drawer were some socks, bandanas, hats, sunglasses, some personal hygiene things and a couple of other things, and a key.

"Why does Zuma have one key separate from his all his other keys?" Chase asked himself.

Second drawer. Mostly shirts. Some pants, but mostly shirts.

Third drawer. The third drawer had mostly costumes, dress up and some toys that went with the costumes. Nothing important.

Fourth and final drawer. Chase opened it and started going through it. But to his dismay, there wasn't anything special or secret. There were sweaters, coats, swim shorts, and other season specific clothing.

"Great. That led me no where." Chase said as he closed the drawer. "Mayne his chest." The shepherd said.

He went over to the chest the was under the window, and started looking. Again to the shepherd's dismay all their were were some toys, games, some birthday cards, medals, trophies, and other random things.

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