Too Many Accidents

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Hey guys.
I'm not exactly sure what this one shot turned into. I started it thinking it wouldn't be that long, but that didn't happen. Its going to end up around 9k words, which is not what I had in mind.
If you guys think i shod turn it i to a book to make it easier to read, please let me know.
Any way, without futher a due please enjoy this story.

"Newly Married." Read the back of the convertible.

Everest and Skye were off to there honey moon, in the beautiful San Francisco bay, after there wedding.

It was late August when Everest had proposed to Skye, and she said "Yes." Its now early May, and the two where off.

Ella drove through the drop off loop at the air port, and the two went into the airport. After about 2 hours of waiting and going through lines, the two got on there flight to San Francisco. 

"This is so exciting! Isn't it Everest?" Skye asked.

"Definitely. I can't wait to spend the week with you on the beach." Everest said as the two shared a kiss.

The flight took off, starting the three hour flight.

Everest and Skye spent the lovely flight in first class, watching movies, listening to music, and talking to each outer.

The flight landed in sunny San Francisco, California 3 hours later. The two got off the flight and into the airport. They got there bags, made a quick stop in the dogs room, to relive there bladders, before walking out of the airport. 

The two caught a cab, to the hotel, they had rented for the stay. The two checked in, and wet to the sweet they had rented.

"This is going to be wonderful." Everest says to Skye as they walk into the room.

"Totally. And were get to spend a week off from work." Skye says.

"And we get to share a bed a married couple too." Everest says as she kisses Sky's cheek

"Yeah." Skye said with a little bit of uncertainty in her voice.

"Are you ok?" Everest asks.

"Hum? What was that? Oh yeah I'm fine. I'm just really tired from that flight." Skye says.

"Yeah. That was a long flight. Do you want to go get something to eat?" Everest asks as she sets her stuff down on the table.

"Sure. Do you want to find go and get something, or see what they have in the hotel?" Skye asks as she does the same.

"I'm fine with what ever." Everest says.

"How do you feel about pick up?" Skye asks.

"Sounds goo. Let me see where we could go." Everest says.

Skye nods as Everest starts looking on her pup-pad.

"How does Mexican food sound? There's a place like down the street." Everest says.

"Sounds good." Skye says.

The two order, and then walk down to the restaurant together. They picked up there food, and went back to there room.

The rest of there evening went on well. They wet to go watch the sun set on the beach, before they called it a night.

"Good night love. " Everest says as she gets into bed and kisses Skye 

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