back at the camp

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David's pov:
Well me and my amazing new boyfriend Daniel decided that it would be best to go back to the camp. I don't want to be to far away from my son max. Even tho he can be a handful sometimes but I still love max. As for Gwen she seemed really pissed off at us. "WHERE THE FUCK WERE U TWO I NEEDED U DAVID TO HELP ME HANDLE MAX LIKE A LOVING FAMILY". Gwen shouted at the top of her lungs. "Gwen listen me and Daniel we were getting some errands done". I said calmly. "BUT THAT DOESN'T GIVE U THE EXCUSE TO GO WITH DANIEL FOR 9 HOURS". "Gwen listen to me plz I am very sorry that I did that". "U better be sorry David now David now that u are back go into the mess hall and take care of our campers". "Ok Gwen I will come on Daniel". "Oh no he isn't going in there we are not going to have our campers possibly being KILLED"." Gwen he has changed his ways u will see". "I don't care he is still not going in there". "Gwen why are u acting like this?". "I'm acting like this because max needs a loving father that doesn't have a phyco for a boyfriend"(sorry if I spelled it wrong). "Gwen now u listen here I do love max I do I swear but sometimes he just gets on my last nerve to the point we're I don't want to be at this camp". "If u don't want to be a father then I'll raise him on my own and if I get a boyfriend who can be who will love him then I will raise max with him so what are u going to choose David?". "Gwen plz I love max don't take him away". "If u fucking love him then why don't u get your phyco boyfriend away from this camp". "Cause I love Daniel and I'm sure that max won't mind me dating him". "Um dad why the fuck is Daniel back?". Max said as he walked outside with Nikki and neil. "Well max he has changed and I was telling Gwen that u don't mind that I'm dating him". "Um excuse me he almost fucking killed all of us". "Yes he did but he changed". "Even if he fucking did he should not be allowed to come back don't u think he will be banned from this stupid fucking camp". "Well max I don't think u run this camp do u and by the way max I am the one who can ban him which I love him so much so I will not". "Then I want to stay with Gwen and u leave this camp under Gwen's control cause surely she will run this camp better than u David". "Max for one I will not give this camp to Gwen cause a stupid women like her doesn't deserve to run a place like this HELL NO WOMEN DESERVES TO RUN CAMP CAMPBELL". After he said that both Gwen and Nikki for offended. "Excuse me David but I am not stupid I went to school for 4 fucking years to get my degree". Gwen said with rage. "Yea David how could u say that about a woman who does a good job with taking care of max when u are not around to do it so surely u should let her run this camp cause she will definitely run this camp better than u". Nikki said agreeing with Gwen. "Girls I am not going to listen to any of u because u both clearly don't know what u are talking about I will only listen to the boys at this camp cause they know what they are talking about". I said with rage. "David u should let her run this camp and u should go somewhere else far away from here with Daniel". Neil suddenly said which surprised me a lot. "Well Neil I don't know what to say max what do u think that I should do?". "Actually David Neil and Nikki is right u should let Gwen run this camp and Neil was right about u going somewhere far away with Daniel that's what I think u should do". When max said that it really surprised me because I didn't expect my own son to say that. "Well if that's what u guys think about me maybe i should ask the rest of the campers and if we get a majority vote then I will leave camp Campbell to Gwen". After I said that I gave everyone a sheet of paper. "So David what is this for exactly?". Ered asked. "Well ered we need a majority vote about whether or not I should leave the camp for Gwen to run cause she thinks she can run it better than me". "Ohh that seems so cool but what did u do tho that made u do this?". "Well I went somewhere with Daniel and Gwen got super pissed off at us for it". "Not to mention that he says that women can't run camp Campbell". Nikki said with sarcasm. "Yo that is like so uncool David women can run this camp to". "Guys we are doing this vote for a reason". Gwen suddenly speaks. "Both me and Mom can tell u all why David should leave this camp for Gwen to run". Max says with excitement. "Max why are u so excited for?". I suddenly ask. "Well dad or I mean David it's about time that u leave the camp for Gwen". After that I wanted to cry but I knew that I shouldn't. I should probably get this vote going to see whether or not I stay or give the camp to Gwen. "Ok campers u all see that paper on your table". Everyone nods yes. "Good now what I will do with that paper is that u will either circle a or b". When I say that all the campers start to look at the paper. "Now remember guys your choice is more important than what u think.... well u see this vote will determine whether or not I stay or go do u all understand?". Everyone nods there heads yes as they begin to circle there answer. A few seconds later I have all of the paper in the bucket ready to see the majority vote. Well to be honest I don't really care what the options is because I love camp Campbell but the campers can get on my last nerve. As long as I have Daniel I'm all good sucks that if I lose camp Campbell I will lose max as well which will be sad but I'll be happy right after knowing that I don't have to take care of max. I know that I am making myself sound like a awful person but bare with me. Well now it's time to see the majority vote. "Alright campers we have all of the votes and now it's time for the majority vote. All of the campers stare at me while I tell the majority vote. "The majority vote is that I will leave camp Campbell to Gwen..... WHAT". "Well David if u would spend more time with me your son or supposed to be your own son this problem would not ever happen but no u wanted to hang out with Daniel more than us well now u can". Max said. "Yes David and insulting women is so uncool". Ered added. "Yes and Daniel shouldn't be allowed here he almost killed us". Neil also added. "Alright if that's what u all feel well then I will leave hopefully Daniel has a place for me to stay and I hope that I will be able to see max again.c-can I Gwen?". "Ok fine David but only once or twice a week got it?". "Yes I got it now I hope that u are all happy with Gwen running camp Campbell and now I shall saw goodbye campers. After I said that I walked out crying as I went to the counselor cabin to get all of my things. "Don't worry baby u will be happy at my place". Daniel said in a calm voice. "I really hope so it really sucks that I can only see max once or twice a week". "Well Davey I understand that you are sad but how about when we get to my house I cook u dinner complete with wine?". "That would be nice Daniel". "Well let's go well now I don't have to come after max anymore". "I guess it's just going to be hard not having max with me". I understand but at least he won't get on your last nerve right?". "Yes that is true I guess". We got into Daniel's car and he took me to his house. Boy how nice of a house it is indeed. "So baby I'm going to make dinner u can sit on the couch and watch TV". "Ok Daniel I will". Daniel walks into the kitchen to make us some dinner while I just go ahead and watches TV just to see what is on. Ohhh my favorite show which is watching bob Ross paint a sculpture like me and Gwen used to do when I was a counselor. Well guess that is just an old memory I guess. A few minutes later I hear Daniel setting up the table for dinner. "Hey baby dinner is ready". "Ok Daniel". I say as I go to the table. We eat our dinner laughing and talking. When we got done Daniel went to clean the dishes while i sit on the couch to watch some more bob Ross. After a few minutes of watching TV Daniel comes in and smiles at me. "Hey baby". He says as he kisses me on my check. "Hey Daniel". "So are u happy to be at my house?". "Yes I am very happy to be here". "I'm glad". After he says that we decided to just make out for the rest of the night.

(Credit to the artist who drew it)

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(Credit to the artist who drew it)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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