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THE FEELING WAS HORRID, y/n laid on her bed with splints stuck up her nose. she lazily looked up at her tv while piles of blankets laid on her.

she changed the channel on the tv, finding absolutely nothing interesting. she then put on netflix and began to play marriage story.

she then slowly began to fall asleep until she heard a knock on the door. "come in."

the door opened which revealed jack and finn. finn held some flowers while jack held a balloon and a get well card.

"hi y/n, how are you?" finn placed the flowers on
y/n's desk. which held other vases of flowers.

"well besides the fact that i have fucking things up my nose, i am pretty shitty." y/n softly responded as she watched the two sit besides her.

"well hopefully our beautiful company will cheer you up." jack patted her leg.

"sorry to ruin the mood but i doubt it."

"well we're here to try." finn smiled.

"so what's it like having things up your nose?" jack asked.

"why don't you shove a dick up your nose to find out."

jack chuckled. "sorry."

"no, i'm sorry. i'm just really tired and feel like i'm dying."

"it's okay. really."

"why are you watching marriage story." finn asked.

"because of adam." y/n grinned.

"am not surprised." jack added.

"so what happened to sadie?"

"dunno. sophia and the rest came but her. don't really care though." y/n said as she looked at the screen.

"she didn't apologize?"


"didn't visit you?"


"maybe she just feels sorry."

"doubt it." y/n sighed.

"hmm. well maybe she..."

"i don't care! she put me in pain, actually! and now i'll have this hideous scar forever! she had no reason to punch me. i still have sixteen days until i get this shit removed." y/n yelled.

jack and finn looked at each other, seeing how stress and tired y/n was. she continued to look at the screen but wiped her eyes as she felt them get watery.

"i'm sorry guys, but can you just leave me alone? please, i'm tired."

"yeah, sure. we'll see you tomorrow." jack said.

"yeah, i'll see you later." finn said as he kissed her cheek. "feel better."

"bye." y/n said as she watched the two leave.

she didn't mean to sound so cold. but the pain she was feeling was huge, antibiotics weren't always working. and there was nothing to do but to stay in pain.

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