Chapter 13

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When I headed towards the crowd, I heard all the girls shouting like maniacs. I got more closer and that's when I realize that all the girls are surrounding a man.

Well I couldn't see his face but I could watch from my peripheral vision, that he has got beautiful, brown chocolate hair. He wore a plain blue shirt and light brown pants. Well he looks hot from behind.

He has a broad and stiff back. Hmm seems like he is gym freak.

Well looks like he is a very big personality with the amount of girls surrounding him for his autograph and selfie.

I wish he could just turn around so that I can see his face.

Ugh... Divya get a grip!

I was about to shake my head and walk ahead when a girl in front of me stepped the tip of her heel on my foot.

"You bi--" I stopped mid sentence when I noticed that the man has turned around, that I was just a minute ago fantasizing about.

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I was beyond livid and confused looking at the person in front of me.

Because he is none other than that handsome stranger- jerk that had broken all my expenses.

He didn't notice me because he was busy taking selfies with the girls.

After what felt like a minute, that hot stranger looks up and his chocolate brown eyes meet mine.

He just stares at me for some time maybe trying to remember who I am.
His eyes widen and gives me a hard expression contrary to the smile he was giving to all those fangirls.
Suddenly a girl comes in front of me blocking me from him and when she is out of my sight I watch that he is no longer looking at me but being all smiley and-and touchey.

Yes this freaking moron has his arms wrapped around some random girls. Well no wonder he has slept with half the women in this city if his arrogant personality  has something to go by.

Why am I stressing over the fact that he has his arms around a girl. In fact that's what he would do being such self centered moron.
Whatever it is just my stupid immature thoughts I guess.

I do not waste a minute and start walking down the lane and then cross the road where my cousin is waiting impatiently.

Oh well I did waste a lot of time.

We spent the whole night in the bar after having dinner at a nearby and a famous restaurant that Tina knows cooks the most delicious meals in the city. We had a lot of fun and then we booked a cab and reached home safely.

The next day I woke up and made some breakfast for me and Tina. She didn't wake up as she had an afternoon shift today. So I kept the pasta on the dining table and wrote a post it note telling her to heat it before eating.

Whole day consisted of me running from this floor to that floor. There was a new investor coming to visit our building tomorrow at 3pm and I was supposed to present the marketing details and facts about our company.

I was a nervous wreck because I had yet to make a PPT and practice some of it tomorrow along with my associates.

When I reached home that day I went over all the slides once to make sure there were no mistakes. It's not like I didn't give a presentation before, but this was my first one here.

The meeting went pretty well and I did not stutter even once during the whole speech. Miss Rose was impressed by me.

I packed my bag and was ready to go home and just relax when someone called me. I turned around and Aaliyah was in front of me.
"Hey Divya congratulations on today's presentation. It is not so easy to impress Miss Rose."
She said and I smiled and thanked her.

"On Sunday you remember I came shopping with my mom to buy her new clothes?"
She asks and I immediately remember the lady who I helped carry her bags. I nodded my head in response, not knowing where this conversation is heading to.

"Well you see it is my parents anniversary this Friday and I invite you to the party on behalf of my parents." She says and I quickly shook my head. "I have some pla--"
I try to say but Aaliyah cuts me off,
"But you promised my mother you would come on Friday. Now no backing off. Got it?"
She tells sternly and I sigh dramatically before nodding my head.
"Can't ignore Mrs Mendes's stern face though. I say and we both laugh at that.

I reached my floor and was just about to open my door when suddenly someone grabbed me from my back and closed my eyes. I immediately recognized who it is and smiled at his childishness.
"You can't go a day without actually scaring me, do you? And why is it everytime you scare the shit out of me , can't you just give a simple entrance?" I say and Connor removes his hands from my eyes before coming in front of me with a cheesy smile that can melt anyone's heart.

"Can't I surprise my friend now. Geez you always kill the fun."
He says dramatically and I just shook my head and unlock the door before inviting him in.

I remove my work clothes and get into some comfortable clothes. I come out of my room spotting Connor sitting on the couch just randomly switching the channels on TV.

"What do you want- Coffee or tea?" I ask and he immediately answers with a coffee. I enter the kitchen and make coffee for the both of us.

I hand him his coffee and sit on the space beside him on the couch.
He turned around so that he could face me.
"So how was your day today? You know you said you had a very important presentation to give."
Connor asked and I smiled very excitedly and explained to him all that happened from the beginning of the day. He also said something about his parents coming to visit him this weekend and I thought about inviting with me to the Mendes house.

I filled him in on what happened last weekend with my cousin visiting and that stranger clash. I also mentioned to him about that wierd meeting with the stranger.

We talked for a little while and had dinner together which consisted of a lot of begging.

He was ready to leave when he turned around and placed light kiss on my cheek and said, "Thank you for the dinner sweetheart." He said and left the house leaving me blushing like an idiot.


Sorry about the long wait guys but I had to think a lot to write what is going to be the rest of the story.

Anyways vote, comment and share.

Thank you!!!!

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