Chapter 18

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So the rest of the weekend went by a blur and before you know it I am sitting on a chair in my office running around to submit a very important work.

I was running across the third floor to call this Daniel guy. Apparently he is a trusted employee and has good relations with the C.E.O. of Russel Hustle Corp so he could help with the merging of both the companies. That's what Miss Rose said.

After twenty minutes or so of running a marathon on the floor, I finally found his office. It read Daniel Smith.

I was about to knock on the door when I heard a loud scream or rather a loud... moan.

After a few seconds of contemplating whether or not I should knock on the door or just walk away and telling my boss that Mr Daniel is not in his office. But obviously she can just call him and she will know that I was lying to her.

Just when I was about to knock on the door, it flew open and a familiar woman with hazel eyes and black blonde hair, that looked disheveled due to the Rachel.
I was shocked and amused too.

Hmm interesting. I didn't believe she would be the one interested in office sex when she herself was against the idea of someone even kissing in front of her just a few days ago....

I cleared my throat when I realized she was standing there too shocked to have found me in this very floor nonetheless in front of Daniel's office who she was just banging a few minutes ago.

"Divya didn't expect you here. What are you doing here?"
Rachel's voice cut through the silence and asked whereas I was just standing there amused with a slight smirk on my face that went unnoticed by her.

"I should ask you the same question. And to answer your question, I came here looking for Mr Daniel as per Ms Rose's order."

She was quite for a few seconds before clearing her throat.
"Hmm I was here to return an important document that mistakenly was sent to my office."

Smart save...

"Oh! very well then. I should get going inside too you know as Miss Rose kindly requested him before her and I am already late so.."

"Yes well you may go inside, my work here is done."
She smiled and excused herself before walking, almost running back and upstairs to our floor.

I pushed open the door and entered without knocking.

I cleared my throat to gain his attention and he turned towards me. He raised his eyebrows a little and turned back to quickly clear his table on which he did the unholy....

He turned around and looked over at me. "Sorry I was just cleaning my office. There is a lot of dust and waste inside my office. So I clean it weekly." He laughed lightly but I internally grinned.

Oh I would have bought the lie if I was not aware of the things that were going on behind the closed doors.

"Um sir I actually came here to notify you that Miss Rose, the in-charge of the seventh floor, has requested you in her office immediately."
I said and he nodded his head and gestured for me to wait outside his office for a few minutes.

After about three minutes he was outside and together we took the lift and reached Miss Rose's office.

When we entered Miss Rose had an inquisitive look on her face as if asking me the reason for delay of my presence.
I gave her my sorry-ma'am-i-will-explain-to-you-later look. She nodded her head and turned her attention towards Daniel.

"You requested my presence ma'am? " He asked and she nodded her head before ordering me too go outside and call Alice inside her office.

"Hey Divya, you coming to the club this weekend? Everyone is coming. Even our little Ava."
Emily, one of my friends, said during our lunchtime.

Everyone looked at me with eager eyes. I quickly thought of an excuse that can be relevant for my absence but then I remembered what Emily said. Eva is coming too.

Hmmm. So Miss Goody two shoes is coming too. Well I had heard that she is the 'Gossip Girl' as everyone said. So maybe I could just stay around so that I could ask her what is actually going on between Rachel and the-third-floor guy, as everyone seemed to discuss only that nowadays. I didn't believe them at first but after witnessing it with my own eyes today I was 100% sure they were correct. And anyways who denies the chance of having alcohol in their system....

"Hello earth to Divya." Aaliyah waved her hands in front of my face and I came back to reality. I smiled and replied enthusiastically " Yes I would definitely come. But just remember I am really a light weight so I might as well be out of my mind and do something crazy. So one of you has to make sure I don't drink too much."
They all nodded eagerly with smiles on their faces and bit of a relief too.

It is true that I am a light weight. There is a funny story. During my college days I and my friends went to a club on one of my friend's birthday. We all ended up drinking atleast five tequila shots (or was it Breezer...). Anyways I was drunk so much that I got caught by my parents and had to give up my laptop and phone for a month. So yeah this was a mistake that I learnt and after that I never once had alcohol much less vine in my system. Well I guess this is a fresh new start. Let's test my sober skills. 😪

The next day I woke up a bit early. So I decided to get ready quickly and go to a nearby Coffee shop ('Cafe Coffee Day' is the best).

I locked up my door and waited for the lift to arrive at my floor. I got inside finding it empty. I thought maybe now is the perfect time for my fellow neighbors to go for a walk especially old people. Well I was wrong indeed again when the lift opened at the fifth floor and ooh what are the chances, it had to be Connor fucking Brashier. The man I desperately was ignoring for the last couple of days.
He entered and he noticed me standing there. He rose his eyebrows as if he can't believe I was even here in the first place.

"Hey Divya. Fancy seeing you especially at this hour. How come you are early this morning . Did you start doing morning walk or something?" He smirked. The audacity!

"Well no Connor I just woke up early today and thought maybe I should appreciate the nature for once and view the sunrise."

"But my sun rose half an hour ago. Maybe yours is a bit lazy just like you." He laughed. He bloody laughed at me!

I was fuming now and I am sure he caught on it too because he soon stopped laughing.

He looked at me briefly before his eyes started roaming all over my face before stopping on my lips. My breath got hitched on my throat.

Rest of the ride was spent by the both of us staring at each other. Before anything could have happened, the lift doors were opened and I strode past him eager to get out of the lift and controlling my rapidly pacing heart.


Hello people.
Another update. Yayyy I am so excited to continue writing this story because there is a lot to come in the following chapters.

Thanking you!!!

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