Chapter 14

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Shawn's pov:

I had never seen such an arrogant and selfish girl my whole life. Yet I felt some sort of an attraction towards her. I don't know why but I couldn't get her out of my head.

I must admit I found her personality pretty much amusing because no one and I mean no one has ever back answered me and damn that sassy mouth of hers. It's like she wanted to say don't mess with me and my expenses.

But obviously I was not the one to back off from the conversation and give her the satisfaction that she had won against me. First of all she didn't know who she was messing around with because I wouldn't want to be disrespected and it was her fault anyways because she was the one that caused a dent in my car. Well tit for tat. Evilly laughs.

That day when I went shopping with my mom and my sister I saw her again but I acted as if I didn't recognize her.

Today I am going to go to the club with my best buddies Connor and Geoff. I need to get laid and get her out of my system.
I reached the club and I noticed they weren't here yet, so I decided to just wait for them by the barstools.

"Hey Shawn. Long time no see. How are you doing?" Connor asked once he spotted me in the huge crowd of drunk people just dancing. I think I even saw some women twerking on the stage and people just shouting for more. Today the Romeo Club was crowded a lot more than all the other times we've visited here.
"Oh yeah I just got here. I am fine. What's up with you?" I replied.
"Well same old job and same old people. Nothing new." Connor replied with a shrug.
I just smiled and patted his back.

"Can we have three shots of tequila for each." I called the bartender's attention and he nodded his head before going behind the bar.

"So Connor who is this beautiful woman who you can't stop talking about? Tell us her name." Geoff started the conversation and I immediately turned my attention towards Connor who was blushing like crazy.

I grinned. "Ohhh my best friend is in love and I didn't even know. Who is this woman that has got you all flustered and speechless." I teased and at the same time the bartender comes with nine tequila shots for us.
All of us took three shots at one go each time.

"Ok I'll tell you both about her but promise me you'll will keep it to yourselves." He said and we both nodded.
"So remember I said about meeting a girl in the beach last month who I found pretty attractive?" He started explaining and we both nodded in response. "Yes you said you had clicked a few pictures of her. But what does she have to do with this."
I asked and he then proceeded to tell us that the girl in fact lives in the same building as he lives in. He also said something about spending the weekend at her place just gossiping and drinking coffee.

"Man you're so whipped. Just admit that you like her and just take her out man." Geoff said once he had finished telling us his story.

Connor then replied "No no I don't like her. It's just a small infatuation that's it. I don't want to destroy our friendship by telling her that I like her. Let's see if I actually like her."

"Seems fair enough." Said Geoff and I nodded.

"What is her name though?" I asked.
"Her name is Divya. She is actually an Indian as I said before she is an immigrant and I wanted to help her in adjusting with the new environment."
Connor said and I just rolled my eyes and said,"Seriously man how could you get whipped so fast. I mean she can be a secret investigator for all we know."

"Only you can think such a thing Shawn." Geoff said and Connor and I chuckled.

"Well who was the woman that has gotten you so worked up now a days Shawn?" Asked Geoff and I instantly froze. My friends always know when I am in a bad mood and if I want to visit a club it would either be work related stress or just to get laid. They both know I'm writing a song so there is no stress whatsoever. So they know that it has to be another problem with me.

So I proceeded to tell them about the accident that day and about the day I saw her for the second time.

"Let me get this straight, she was a total I don't give a shit about who you are type and that made you like her?" Geoff was the one who asked me and I simply nodded.
"Yea man I can't help but feel amused by her attitude. She is a total bitch and I like it." I said and Geoff started laughing so hard that I think he is going to pee on himself.

"By any chance is this the woman you were talking about?" Connor was the one asking me this and I had totally forgotten he was here because he was silent the whole time I explained my feelings to the both of them.

He was about to show me his phone when suddenly a hand was on my shoulder startling me and I turned to look at a woman who had a small petite frame. She kinda reminds me of my best friend Camila.

"Would you like to have a dance with me mister handsome?" The woman asked but I was busy admiring her to even answer her question. Hmm a Hispanic not bad.

She has beautiful green eyes and black blonde hair. But nothing can compare to the beautiful black eyes and the brown hair with a little sassy attitude and plump rosy lips.
God Shawn get a grip on yourself. Today is all about forgetting her and getting a good fuck.

I smiled and said," Why not darling. I would love to dance with you."


And here it is another update. I hope you liked this because I seriously thought that maybe we needed a Shawn's point of view too.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share.
Love from me and stay safe guys.

Thank you!!!!!

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