Chapter 17

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While having dinner, Aaliyah and their family and friends were conversing and I felt out of the place. In times like these I really missed my family and our usual bickering we used to have at dinner or any family functions. Even though it had been four months already I still thought as if it had been a long time since I moved in. Having dinner with someone else's family made me a little awkward. I was always like this, an introvert. But if I get to know a person I do not stop talking.

"So Divya, tell us something about you and your country so that we can visit there." My thoughts were interrupted  by Ms Karen.
But before I could continue I heard a scoff from non other than the handsome devil. Did I forget to mention that this person is sitting right in front of me in the dining table.
"Shawn be nice to Divya. She is our guest and you should respect her and be formal please."  Mr Manny said and I hid my smirk by wiping my mouth with a tissue.

"Well I stay in Mumbai or I used to stay over there with my parents, an elder brother, his wife and a nephew. I worked as a deputy manager in a well known company before I got a job transfer here...." I continued my rantings and everyone were intently listening to me even that jerk.

Everyone started asking me questions about various festivals and about my culture which was mainly asked by Aaliyah's cousins and some of our friends too.

"Do Miss Divya what are your favorite hobbies apart from roaming around the beaches and visiting historical places?"
This was asked by Shawn and I finally glanced at him after the whole Tour Guide session as Ms Karen named it. I was quite for a moment because I didn't want to share the main reason as to why I like nature so much. I love painting and I often go to the various gardens or other quite places to draw. But I didn't want to share this information as it would lead to asking the main reason for my hobby and I don't actually speak or rather even talk about him much. He also liked painting and I got inspired and started painting as well.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a hand waving in front of my face. It was one of her cousins and I cleared my throat. I moved my eyes over to Shawn's curious eyes and said, "Well I actually like going to quite places for relaxing and for walking and observing God's beautiful creation. It gives me comfort after a long day at work or if I want to think about some serious family issues."

Shawn wasn't satisfied by my answer but fortunately didn't question more about the topic.

Soon the topic changed to the decorations and arrangements for this party for which I was thankful for. Shawn proudly explained that his performance was his idea and all the decorations were his idea as well. Aaliyah rolled her eyes when nothing was leaving for her to brag about.

The rest of the evening was filled with gossips and I tuned in on some of them as I felt awkward to be a part of such intimate conversation.
Shawn did not bother me for the rest of the evening which I was relieved of because who would want to have another encounter with an arrogant jerk like him.

Later that evening me and my friends thanked Aaliyah and their family for inviting us here and drove ourselves home. I thanked my friends and entered the apartment complex and finally entered my home. It was really a long day.

The next day I woke up at 11 in the morning because I was so tired from last night. I did my usual routine for the day and just after I had my lunch and completed washing the plate I heard my doorbell ring. I was surprised because no one usually bothers at this time of the day especially in a weekend.

I opened the door and was immediately greeted with a happy faced Connor.
"Oh hi Connor welcome." I welcomed him and he entered the house.

I was pulled into a hug by Connor which surprised me but nonetheless I hugged him back too. I guess he does this with every friend of his.

"I missed you yesterday because I had  no one to hang around with." He said and my heart melted at that sight of complete innocence in his eyes. He had that longing look which actually made me feel at home.

"Aw Connor I didn't know you missed me so much. You should have brought something with you so that we could have enjoyed ourselves." I joked and he immediately had that feigned thinking look. "Um I guess I didn't think about that." He replied and I laughed out loud at his antics.

We soon laid down on the couch and carried on with our conversation. We also watched a movie which he insisted on playing as he had already brought a DVD with him which I didn't notice before.

"Well I had a really nice afternoon. Thank you for coming by today." I said once he came out of the kitchen where we were drinking coffee and grinned widely.

He tucked a strand of my hair before replying," I enjoyed myself too sweetheart."
My breath got hitched in my throat because of that intense look he was giving me.
I didn't reply because I was too shocked to respond. Firstly he was standing a little too close to me for my comfort and secondly he was looking at my lips before looking in my eyes and repeating the process for two times.
He was leaning in when suddenly his phone rang and he immediately pulled back. He cleared his throat and removed his phone out of his back pocket before answering the call.

I went back to the kitchen to do some work in order to avoid the awkward moment we shared just a few seconds ago.

Did he like me or was it just a friend thing? Maybe he does it with other friends too. Being so close with Connor brought me back to a boy in my school who tried to have a relationship with me. Well I guess Connor just liked me as a friend only and we were just being foolish as always. Ha ha! (awkwardly laughs in mind).

Connor came inside the kitchen as I could hear footsteps enter the kitchen. I didn't look back at him as it would be slightly awkward. What is this Divya you never get so nervous especially in front of a guy. What is this new feeling I don't understand.

He cleared his throat in order to gain my attention and I looked back at him. He was clearly unaffected at our almost kiss while here I am trying to keep my emotions at bay and confront him.

"Ummm  Divya it's one of my friends so I have to leave now. And thanks for having me here, and umm also for the umm coffee."

He stuttered and I nearly smiled before saying welcome and escorting him to the door.

After I closed the door I exhaled out loudly which I didn't know I was holding before sighing and walking back into my room.
I was shocked to see my face all red and a drop of sweat in my forehead. I face palmed myself.
Omg! I really have changed after coming to this city.


Hello people!
I am extremely sorry for the delayed update but I didn't know how to proceed with the story.

But here I am now with a short but new chapter.

Anyway don't forget to like, share and comment.

Thank you!

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