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Baby Come Back

Summary: He isn't over you and tries to jeopardise your new relationship

"Nathan, this is a bit much don't you think?" You chuckle as you look around the restaurant, your eyes gazing over the immaculate scenery, richness and vanity filling the air, making you scrunch up your nose a little. "Nothing but the best for my girl" Your boyfriend grins at you. "Also I've never actually been here before" He adds with a small smile. "The Nathan Scott. Pro basketball player with a rich daddy- has never been here?" You guffaw. "Just because my dad was rich doesn't mean he liked spending his money on me. He'd rather throw it at some hooker in a club" Nathan sighs. "But I love you, and I'm rich- so unlike my father, I will be spending money on you" He smirks.

After you both order your food, the two of you engage in conversation, until Nathan excuses himself. "I really need to pee" He mumbles as he makes a 'sorry' face. "Go ahead, I'll be fine" You chuckle at him, and watch as he frantically walks away to the men's room. You sigh to yourself, taking a few sips of your champagne and looking around nervously. A few minutes later, one of the waitresses arrives with your food. "Just put his down too, he'll be back in a bit" You smile, and she puts down Nathan's plate of food. "Would you like me to refill your champagne?" She then asks. "I think I know how to lift a bottle and pour it into my glass- but thank you" You give her a small smile and she walks away, before you roll your eyes at her.

Meanwhile, Nathan had just bumped into your ex; Michael Langdon. "Watch where you're going dude" Nathan snaps as he starts to walk away, but Michael pulls him back by his arm, turning your boyfriend around to face him. "I suggest you talk to me with a little more respect" Michael smirks. "Oh really? And why is that?" Nathan scoffs. "Because I have the power of Satan on my side" The blonde man boasts. "Oh yeah. And I have the power of the Easter Bunny on my side!" Nathan mocks. "Now get the hell off of me!" The brunette groans as he pulls his arm out of Michael's grip and starts to walk away.

"Have a nice night with y/n. It may be your last" Michael chuckles. "How the hell do you know her name?" Nathan gulps as he turns around, his hands already curled into fists. "Because I've moaned it more times than any other man she's ever been with. And I assure you, my name is the only thing that's ever on her mind" The antichrist states with a grin. "You son of a bitch!" Nathan roars as he flings himself towards Michael, successfully landing a punch to his face.

Like several other people around you, you hear Nathan's yelling and your heads snap towards the two men fighting outside the men's room. 'What the fuck' You think as you see Michael strangling Nathan. You hadn't seen him in months, and to be completely honest, you'd almost forgotten about him. "Nothing to see here people!" You chuckle awkwardly as you stand up, drawing attention to yourself. "Excuse me ma'am, do you know these two?"; one of the waiters asks you. "Yeah, - look just leave it to me, I'll sort it out" You sigh as you march towards the two of them.

"Let go of him!" You yell at Michael as you push him away. "Nathan are you alright?" You whisper as you check him for any injuries, your thumb grazing over his cheek. "Who is he y/n?" He quizzes as he searches your eyes for an answer. "No one important" You mutter quietly. "Michael- what are you doing here?" You then ask as you turn to him. "It's a restaurant, what do you think i'm doing here?" He guffaws, running his fingers through his long, golden locks. "We both know you're not here for any other reason other than to wreak havoc. Why can't you just stay the hell away from me!" You snap at him.

"Because you've moved on so quickly! It's like you don't even give a shit about everything we've been through. I thought that maybe we'd get back together, and I've been waiting for you to come back. " Michael rants. "Last time i checked, you broke up with me! I have every reason to move on, and you're right- i don't give a shit about the things we've been through, because I found Nathan, and he makes me feel so much more safer than you ever did" You sigh loudly as you take Nathan's hand and squeeze it gently, as he sends a small smile your way.

"But I still love you" Michael protests, trying to make you feel guilty for moving on. "Tough shit" Nathan scoffs. "He's got quite an attitude, hasn't he?" Michael scoffs at you. "No, Michael- it's all you" You chuckle. "Now, if you'd please be as kind as to leave us alone. People are staring, and I'm sure you have sins to commit" You add with a sly grin.

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