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Six months passed by and nothing changed, Donghyuck often stayed at home with Taeyong or helped Johnny with his photography or Jaehyun at the cafe, or Wendy by being the manequine for her fashion designs. Mark was busy always but found time to spend with his sunshine.

"Hyuckie?" Taeyong frowned hearing no sound of the little 25 year old baby waddling about. He got up from his office table and went down stairs.

Donghyuck was in the kitchen holding his head and the stove was on. The boy didnt have his glassed and was about to place his hand on the fire as Taeyong pulled him away just in time.

"Gosh! You should have asked me to make you a coffee you wanted one. Hyuckie?" Taeyong shook the boy but the younger boy blacked out in his arms.

The anime doll like boy carried his youngest brother in law to Marks room and placed the boy on. He shook him as he sprinkled water on the boy and dialed Marks number but the boy didnt pick up.

"H-Hyung?" Donghyuck blinked his eyes with a pout.

"Gosh you scard me darling. Are you feeling okay?" Taeyong tucked the beauty in bed. The older often worked from home since his company was situated farther from here, And Doyoung was a cry baby if he left.

"Y-Yeah......My heart hurts." Donghyuck pouted at his eldest brother in law.

"Awwe my baby. You get some sleep I'll make you a warm chocolate. Hmm?" Taeyong kissed Donghyucks forehead and left to the kitchen.

Upon coming back with waffles and cream and a big teddy bear mug of hot chocolate the older frowned. Donghyuck was sweating in buckets. The boys neck was burning and so was his forehead. Taeyong changed Donghyuck wet shirt and pulled off the sweatpants so he wont have to drown in his own sweat.

"Sweetheart wake up." Taeyong gently woke the younger up carefully.

"W-Why am I sweating?" Donghyuck pouted as he was given his food.

"You are having a fever little baby. Now be a good boy and eat I'll be right back." Said the older rushing down stairs.

The entire morning went by with Taeyong placing wet towels on Donghyucks forehead and rushing up and down to get water. When Doyoung came home he found his husband fast asleep with Donghyucks head on his lap. He smile clicking a picture and waking Taeyong up.

"This is the cutest thing you ever did." Doyoung ruffled Taeyongs dark hair.

"He was having fever. But he's better now. I even had to change his shirt and remove his pants." Taeyong hugged Doyoung from behind as he placed the younger to sleep more comfortably.

"My poor baby. That brat always living on ice creams!" Doyoungs cute face made a grumpy face.

"Baby he's a baby. Can you wash him and put him in fresh clothes for me? I'll get him something warm to eat." Taeyong smooched Doyoungs lips and left.

When Mark came home he was informed that his wife was terribly sick that morning. He was worried sick but Donghyuck seemed much better and was sitting on the kitchen counter hugging Jaemins neck.

"You got sick?" Mark squeezed the boys thighs.

"Y-Yeah. My head was hurting. But Taeyongie hyung looked after me. He my hero!" Donghyuck shot finger guns at the anime doll but Jaehyun stood in the middle with a grin.

"Jessica?" The red haired boy mumbled into Jaemins pink hair.

"Hmm?" Jaemin hummed.

"Your hair smells yummy." The golden skinned beauty giggled.

It was the next day and he felt much better, Taeyong had to go for a quick meeting so the older asked if Donghyuck wanted to drop by at Marks office. Which the younger bounced with a big yes. Mark was having a hard time with his secretary Mina who seemed to be madly in love with him.

"Umm Mark Lee?" Donghyuck beamed at the receptionist.

"Mr Lee left to company basketball court with his friends for a game. If you go straight, and take the elavator to floor 127 you'll get there." The girl smiled sweetly.

Mark had no thought that his husband would come looking for him. He was having a friendly game with his old team mates including Jeno and Yuta. Someone waddled through and wrapped their arms around the olders sweaty waist as Marks heart blasted with fireworks.

"Haechan?" He turned around with messy hair, a loose tie and his first few shirt buttons popped off and sweaty.

"Hyung!" Donghyuck giggled cutely at the older. "Yongie hyung dropped me off." The younger bounced in his husbands arms.

"This is what love is Mina. This boy here is what feels like love." Mark kissed Donghyucks chubby cheeks and smashed their lips together.

"There goes our game man! You guys are married! Spare us!" Lucas roled his eyes as the boys left the two to stare at each other. Minas eyes brimmed with tears.

"I mish you. Take me out on a date!" Donghyuck pouted bouncing, dressed in big ass grey sweatpants and a grey big hoodie and glasses and messy hair and sneakers.

"Mina postpond the meeting. I have a date with my baby wife." Mark carried Donghyuck up like a koala. And walked out the court.

They had dinner at Donghyucks house with Mrs Moon and Mr Moon and Taeil with Kun making the dessert. Mark chuckled at how happy his husband was, that night Mark stayed at Donghyucks room for the first time in all these years of being in love. Sucking on a spiral lollipop the younger snuggled between Marks legs inside their pillow fort and fairylights.

"I love your room." Mark kissed those stubby fingers fondly.

"I love you though." The younger smacked his lips giving Mark a lick from his lollipop.

"Your lips are sweeter." Mark chuckled softly at the gorgeous glasses boy.

"Then kiss me idiot." Donghyuck giggled wrapping his arms around his husbands thick neck as their lips met in loving sync.

Cz You're My Zing! [MarkHyuck]♡Where stories live. Discover now