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"Must you wear what Wendy wears?" Mark lent on the door frame of their room. His husband was dressed in a red plaid skirt that had a slit and a short inside. It was annoyingly too short but sexy, with a cropped hoodie that showed too much of Marks property. That small hourglass like tummy was out on all its glory.

"She said she wanted to make Joy jealous! And I want a red velvet sister in law. Do I look okay?" Donghyuck smacked his red painted lips and batted his eyes.

"You look sexy, annoying, Beautiful, and like a fucking turn on." Mark wrapped his arms around the bare slender waist.

"Weally?" Donghyuck stood on his tippy toes so he could kiss Marks cheek. He giggled when his lip print appeared on the olders cheek. And he mischeivously kissed the olders neck as well.

"I know you did that on purpose you little naughty bum. Well I'm getting late for work, Call me if you need anything and please be careful you are showing too much skin and I'm worried sick." Mark caressed the boys waist and pecked him on the forehead.

"I will be fine Hyung." The younger fondly blushed at his husband as Mark gave him a lollipop and left for work.

Mark was worried the whole time, what if people try to be funny with his innocent munchkin? Meanwhile Donghyuck was fully protected by a Ninja Jaemin and a scary Wendy as the screamed amidst the concert. Even Jaemin was dressed in a short skirt and a off shoulder blouse looking ravishing and attractive. Wendy well was the Queen of it all, and Joy who was on stage didnt like the fact that Donghyuck and Jaemin had all their arms around Wendys waist.

"Omg look at that hottie in a red skirt!?" One of the boys who had come for concert whistled at Donghyuck. Jaemin shot them a death glare and they went silent.

When the concert came to an end Wendy was dragged away by one of the managers and Donghyuck and Jaemin were said to leave. Jeno who arrived first insisted in dropping the pouting beauty off but Donghyuck said Mark was coming. Jaemin sighed as he got into the car and drove off. The gorgeous red head sneezed in the sun, waiting for his husband to arrive. The high healed boots were killing his poor back.

"Awwe are you alone? We'll give you a ride." A gang of boys car drove past making Donghyuck push his glasses back and blink away his tears.

But his pout grew into a wide smile when he saw the black SUV pull before him and the window slide down with Mark looking nervously at him. The boys gasped at the car thinking other wise as if Donghyuck was some slut getting rides off rich men.

"Sorry Baby. Did I make my wife stand too long?" Mark got off the car and gave his shaking baby a big ass hug.

"I-I'm afraid hyung." Donghyuck sniffled looking up at his man. The boys on the other car saw their weddings rings as they appologised for messing and drove past.

"You made me whole day flustered. Damn those lip prints of yours refused to leave my body." Mark carried Donghyuck to the car and drove off.

Mark stopped their car close to their house and looked at the gorgeous boy who pouted, Donghyuck unbuckled himself as he straddled the older. Mark smiled fondly at the boy infront him caressing those exposed thighs.

"I'm sorry okay." Mark whispered patting the red haired butt.

"Its okay as long as you came." Donghyuck sighed smiling at his lip print on his husbands cheek and neck. He lent on the steering wheel.

"Where did you get a chest from?" Mark chuckled poking the youngers chedt.

"Noona said we should have aleast a little boobies to look like a girl.

"Take it off baby! You are way better with your boobies." Mark chuckled again.

"Take it off yourself baby." Donghyuck bit his lips being the tease he was, Mark pulled off the hoodie and the fake boobies away.

"There! This is my sexy Pudu." Mark giggled helping the younger wear the hoodie again.

"Ha!!" Donghyuck puposely whispered making Mark go a mess in the mind the both of them broke into laughter soon after.

"Wanna do it in the car? Or just be a good baby and go home?" Mark teased tickling the younger.

"Ehehehehehe.........I'd love to Mark." Donghyuck twisted and turned until his husband stopped tickling him.

They decided to go home, parking the car in the drive way Mark got off with his Koala wife and entered house filled with the smell of freshly grounded coffee beans and coffee. Mrs Lee cooed at the couple who giggled at her and went upstairs to shower.

"Hyung?" Donghyuck sprawled on the bed as Mark untied his shoes and pulled off his skirt.

"Hmm?" Mark made him sit up so the hoodie can be taken off.

"You will never leave me right?" Donghyuck unbuttoned Marks shirt and helped him out of the fabric.

"I wont Hyuckles Sweet. I love you too much to leave you." Mark kissed the boys red lips as Donghyuck unbuckled his pants for him.

"Are you guys going to fuck or something?" Johnny stood at the door with his camera.

"No Johnny hyung. We were helping each other change." Donghyuck innocently blushed at his brother in law.

"Oh darling can you help me with putting these photos together? Its too much for my bird brain. I'll buy you 10 spiral lollipops." Johnny pleaded at Donghyuck since he had been suffering to put someones wedding photos creatively into an album but it wasnt coming right.

"OMG! I'LL BE THERE IN 10!!" Donghyuck squealed bouncing in Marks arms.

"Thanks baby brother in law!" The giant happily nodded and left.

"He always would ask Wendy but she's rarely around these days. You know. Help that giant out okay. I love you Pumpkin." Mark whispered carrying his wife to the bathroom.

Cz You're My Zing! [MarkHyuck]♡Where stories live. Discover now