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In this universe, Voldemort was defeated earlier on in his life, like after his first couple Horcruxes or something? It's sad, I know. "But who killed Harry's parents then?!?!" I hear you scream from the other side of the screen.....Well....Dumbledore (because drama ig?) and guess who was framed....Draco's godfather Severus Snape. To keep Harry's popular golden boy saviour image, let's just say that like his parents were seen as martyrs in the war against dark wizards.

Draco Malfoy's father was sent to Azkaban for "being part of the plot to kill the Potters" so he was raised by Narcissa and without his father's influence, I believe Draco could be a better person and this fic is banking on you thinking the same thing.

Harry is gonna end up in Slytherin because in this fic he's gonna give Slytherin a chance instead of being all whiny like "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin." because I'm a firm believer in the fact that not all Slytherins are evil bastards. Harry was originally adopted by the Dursleys but since Sirius was not in Azkaban, he one day strolled up and was like "Ayo, can I have that baby." and Petunia was like "Yeah sure but he's still my nephew and I want visitation rights and shit." (Waring this is not how the actual conversation went down, I'm just paraphrasing)

One thing you should know about Harry in this fic is that he is deliriously in love with Draco but has the worst case of denial like...ever. Initially, Harry was written as like a huge fuck boy but now he's gonna be a heartbreaker who strings people along because sexualising minors is high key bad. Unlike Harry, Draco has never even held hands with anyone other than his mummy and has a reputation for rejecting anyone who dares breathe the same air as him then has the audacity to ask him out. Harry is determined to break this "rejection streak" but when he finally scores a date with Draco, will finally stop being a pussy and accept his feelings, or will he completely fuck it up?

Next chapter will be the prologue

Editing on chapter


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