All this time, I only wanted you

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This is kinda a mini one where Harry tries to convince himself that he doesn't actually love Draco and that he just finds him attractive and compelety fails. A proper chapter is coming tomorrow I promise.

Harry's POV

I sat up in my bed, unable to fall asleep as thoughts of Draco filled my head. I just don't understand why he doesn't want me like everyone else. I mean, I am the hottest guy in the year, Draco being a close second. Maybe he doesn't swing that way but even straight guys have admitted that I am attractive. Maybe he just hasn't seen
the light yet. Or maybe he'a being blackmailed by someone who is in love with me. Why do I care if Draco finds me attractive. I have a whole army of people who would sell their souls to be with me. Maybe it's because of his laugh. It's more beautiful that any melody or his murcury eyes that I constantly get lost in. Maybe it's his hair and how it always looks perfect that would look even more perfect if I ran my fingers through it and messed it up a bit. Merlin, I sound like I'm in love with him.....Maybe I am....No! I can't be. I mess with people, not fall in love with them. Draco is the same. God! No, he isn't. He's basically perfect. Nobody should be allowed to be that perfect. Maybe this is my punishment for using people. But I don't love him. I just.....want him. "Why can't this be easier." I muble, as not to wake up the other people in the room. Maybe I do love him, maybe I should just accept it. Maybe if he knows that I realy do love him, he'll see me in a different light. Now that I look back, I'm sure I gave plenty of signs.....nevermind the fact the signs were unintentional and I had no idea that I loved him. Why couldn't he see. He's a ravenclaw, he's meant to be smart. Maybe he just ignored them because he doesn't love me. God! He doesn't even like me as a friend. Maybe he thought I was pretending to like him so I could mess with him. "God, Draco," I whispered "Why couldn't you see....All this time, I only wanted you."

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