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Harry's POV
It was my first year of Hogwarts and I was kinda exited....Okay, I was really excited. Sirius had told me stories of how awesome this place was and I know that uncle Sirius would never lie to me....probably. Anyway, as soon as we got to platform 9 and 3/4 I spotted a young blonde boy talking to a girl with dark bushy hair which looked like a poodle dragged through a bush, like someone should really get her a hairbrush...but that's not the point. The boy almost looked like a fallen angel, something holy from a stained glass window. He had pale skin that looked like it was glowing in the dim lighting on the platform and his short white-blond hair was styled in a way that managed to look both classy and casual, a style assumingly done by the woman watching him from not to far away who was likely his mother. A few stray strands brushed his face where the wind had disrupted it and they beautifully framed his sharply featured face. He had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. They were sliver and filled with joy and toddler, innocence with a hint of blue that reminded me of the sky on a clear summer day.  I felt I could spend all day staring at the boy and never find anything off-putting or unattractive.  

"What are you looking at, Harry?" Sirius asked, pulling me out of my trance. I dragged my eyes away from the boy to look at Sirius "H-huh?" I said, stuttering. I didn't want him to know I was staring at a boy. Boys were meant to be with girls, that's how is it in all the stories. I was hoping he would change the subject but he asked again "What are you looking at, Harry?" I looked down at the floor, conjuring up the best excuse I could make "U-ummmm....y'know...all the students over there. I wanna see who looks like they would make a good friend." Not a complete lie. The original reason I looked around was to see who looked like they would be a good friend until I was interrupted by the beauty of the blonde boy. Suddenly the conductor began ushering us on. Thank god. "Oh...looks like this is goodbye. See you during the Christmas break, Harry." Sirius said as he gave me a tight hug. "Bye Uncle Sirius." I said before pulling myself out of the hug, picking up my stuff and running onto the train

I walked along the narrow corridors to search for an empty compartment, when I found one I sat on the plush pillows that covered the wooden bench and stared out of the window at the crystal blue sky and white fluffy clouds that resembled fresh candy floss. A soft knock to the hard wood of the compartment door which slid open slightly to reveal familiar blue-grey eyes. When the door had fully slid open, the boy was joined by his bushy haired friend from the platform and I glared at their conjoined hands.

 "Mind if me and Hermione sit in here?" The boy said in a soft inquiring tone. The bushy haired girl ,who's name was just proved to be Hermione, huffed glared at him and said "Draco, I wanted to introduce myself." in a whiney, high pitched voice, before turning to me "I'm Hermione Granger and this is my friend, Draco Malfoy." 

So... Draco was his name...I felt like a question I had been asking myself for my whole life was just answered... That sounded way too poetic. I was glanced at Draco and made sure to hold eye contact as I said "I'm Harry Potter and you can definitely sit with me." As they sat down I saw Draco's eyes light up "THE Harry Potter? The Harry Potter who's parents were killed by Severus Snape?" Draco asked. I winced at the mention of my parents' death. His expression instantly changed "Oh my gosh I am so so so so sorry." He said as he grabbed my hand. Sparks shot up my arm and I felt my cheeks turn slightly pink. Hermione placed a hand on Draco's shoulder "I'm sure he doesn't mind Draco. It was right to apologise though." This sent jealousy coursing through my veins. "I'm awfully sorry for what happened.." Draco said quietly and I glanced at him curiously and asked "Why are you sorry, you had nothing to do with what happened?"

Draco glanced around nervously before reaching out to shut the compartment door. I was confused about why he felt the need to do that until I heard him whisper "Severus is my godfather...I just feel like if I'm going to make you my friend, I have to tell you my connection to him and apologise, otherwise I'll feel like I'm deceiving you." I could see the shame in his eyes as he tried to avoid looking directly at me and I could tell he was being genuine. I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder "Like I said before, you have nothing to be sorry about but it was really brave for you to tell me all this, knowing it could mean we won't end up as friends." I saw Draco smile and heard Hermione agree with me "Yes, Draco. You did the right thing and you were brave to do so."

The rest of the journey went by in a flash and before I knew it, we were in the great hall. It was amazing. There were 4 tables, one for each house and the ceiling looked like they had stolen some of the night sky and put it here and around the room there were floating candles. This was way better that what I had imagined. I watched as students were sorted into their houses. Hermione had gone into Ravenclaw obviously, a boy named Ronald had been sorted into Hufflepuff which seemed fitting due to reassuring smiles I had seen him give everyone before they went up to be sorted, A girl named Pansy had been put in Slytherin and made her way to the table with a serpentine smile and a boy named Blaise in Gryffindor and was welcomed to the table with open arms and smiles. 

Now it was Draco's turn. 

I hoped that we would be in the same house  so we could spend loads of time together and, after all I had learned about Draco on the train, his inquisitive nature, his love for literature of any kind and his intellect only second to Hermione's, it came as no surprise when the hat bellowed


The table cheered and Hermione stood up to welcome him to sit next to her. A few of the older Ravenclaws gave him a well-meant slap on the back and welcomed him to the house and seeing Draco so happy gave me a fuzzy feeling in my chest. 

I was so occupied with staring at Draco and I beardly registered Professor McGonagall calling me up to be sorted. I carefully made my way up the stairs and felt thousands of eyes on my back. I felt the pressure pressing down on my shoulders and I had to keep my self steady as I lowered myself to sit on the stool. I squeezed my eyes closed tightly and listened to the hat's taunting whisper "Oh, you would be a great addition to Slytherin. You have so much potential." I blocked out the sound as much as I could but the hat's incessant mumbling pierced my ears.

"Oh yes... I know just what to do with you Mr Potter."

I felt the silence in the hall, everyone waiting to hear the hat's deliberation, hanging on to every second of silence, letting the tension of the moment fill them from head to toe.


A large cheer erupted from  the Slytherin table as I stood and made my way to the table I would sit at for the next 7 years of my life. I looked around at my new family and couldn't help but smile, despite the discourse on all the other tables.

"I think I'll like it in Slytherin."

Prologue Editing


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