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We all are very much anxious right now due to the pandemic of Covid19. We don't know what to do. Some people are suffering from Corona while others are suffering in the constant fear of Corona. This  uncertainty, this fear is taking a toll on every body. So to divert our minds from this chaos from a lil bit of time I have decided to update all my pending stories. I will give short but regular updates everyday.

But for now I am uploading a Poem which I have written today and the theme is around the current situation of our world. Let's refresh our mind a lil bit and from tomorrow small updates of my stories till we all fight and win against Corona.


Now the poem---

A bright day

Every fear goes away with a ray of hope,
    Every dark night has a bright sunny day.

I know you, me & everyone is worried
       But don't forget, the Almighty
                   still has something to say.

The doctor, the nurses,
    The cleaning staffs, for them let's pray;

Obey the instruction
      Because to survive, it's the only way.

Don't lose hope, don't you fear
      God loves all of us equally dear.

Spend your time by thinking good
     And the ray of sun
               will wash away the dark cloud.

A bright day is on it's way
       Don't forget, every dark night
              surely has a bright sunny day.

His Love (What If... Series 1... Book 1) (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now