Chapter 1

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I listen to the calming noise around me as my eyes are closed and I'm adrift in the soft swaying current under the ocean water. I feel no stress of this world at this point as I slowly open my eyes looking up through the clear water with the sunlight going down into it's dark depths as a small fish swims by me. As I continue to look up I see the boat I came out here on and I inwardly sigh as I think about my life now and how I must go back to my dorm soon. Why could life not be as peaceful as the ocean was at this moment? I ask myself but get no response. I might as well swim up now before my friends and trainer get worried that I've drowned. With a slow kick through the water I come up beside the boat and take in a nice needed breath of salty air.


"Actually that was 4 minutes and 26.3 seconds. Nice job Aurora. That's your new record." My coach and free diving trainer Jake says with a smile.

"Good! Now I have a new goal! Beat my new record!" I smile as I swim to the boat and pull my 5'4 high self up onto the boat.

"Well not today. It's about time to get going back to the college Aurora." Jake says as he hands me a towel and I thank him as I start drying off my pale skin and dark brown hair.

"Dude. I still dont get how you dont burn or really tan out in the sun like this! My shoulders and face are so red!" Ash complains.

"Well you should have put on that sunblock when I told you too. And about me. I think it's just my genetics at work." I smirk as I hit his back and he yelps.

"That hurts!" He yells in pain trying to soothe his back and backing away from me.

"I know. Now I hope you learn from your pain and next time put on the sunblock when I tell you." I snicker and sit down as Jake starts the boat and we drive to the shore where my life will once again greet me with its ugly smile.

~back at the college dorms~

"Ugh so much paperwork to do for English!" I bang my head on the table as I finally finish my 5,000 word essay. "Now all I need to do is turn this in on Monday and got to my job in the morning." I sigh. "At least it is near the ocean so after I can go swimming." I smile to myself and go get ready for bed.


"SHUT UP YOU STUPID THING!" I throw my 5th alarm clock this month and it shatters against the wall as i sit up and streatch popping my pack in the process. "Ahhhhh.... much better." I smile and get up as I see the mess of my now dead alarm clock. "Ugh I'll buy a new one on my way home."

I pick up the parts to the alarm clock and put it in the trash and then I go take a morning shower and style my hair while its wet so I dont become a fluff ball.... again... and get out while I'm drying off and walk to my closet.

"Hmmm.... I think I'll wear..... these." I say to myself as I grab blue jean shorts and a light blue t-shirt with a cute pink dolphin on the front.

"This should be fine for today. I do work at a ocean side smoothy shop so this is normal wear.... right?" You see... I've never been good with fashion in my life! So more cases than not I look like a disaster because I cant match clothes to save my life! But hey that's fi-

BEEP BEEP BEEP goes my back up alarm on my phone.

"OH NO!!! IM GOING TO BE LATE!!!" I quickly grab my bag that has what I need in it and run out of the building and hop on my bike that is where I always leave it. Tied to a tree. "Good bike! You did not run away this time!" I say with a smile as I look crazy talking to my bike as I soom off down the busy streets to my work spot.

"Almost there!" I jump off my bike leaving it on the side of the store right as the clock strikes 10:00. "YES I MADE IT!" I exclaim happily as I'm out of breath.

"I'm guessing you broke your alarm clock again dear?" The sweet old lady says as I walk behind the counter.

"Yes Miss Rose. I broke my alarm clock... again..." I sigh as I put on my work apron and wash my hands.

"Oh dear. At least it looks like you did not step on the broken parts this time." She chuckles softly.

"Yup! I watched out this time!" I chuckle as well as my work day goes on.

-time skip-

"Bye Miss Rose! I'll see you Monday after my morning classes!" I yell at her as I hop on my bike and take off down the street.

"I have a good few hours before the sun sets. I can go to the beach now then the electronic store a mile away!" I say to myself getting hyped up for a nice swim at the beach.

And I stop my bike and walk it to my regular spot that I go swimming along a quiet part of the beach. I think nothing of it as I walk past 2 men but one of them grabs my arm and I know something it wrong.

"LET ME GO!" I yell as my tiny form gives him a swift kick where the sun dont shine. "HELP!!!" I yell as I run for the water and I feel something sting my arm and I see a dart. Fuck. I try to make it to the water where I know people can see me infront of the rocks that make this part more protected from prying eyes. But before I get there I feel myself fall as my vision goes dark and someone picks me up.

Damn these drugs and cursed world.

I think as I lose all my conscious to the black pit in my head and behind my eyes

Water Wings (Upon Wings Of Change Fanfic) (HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now