Chapter 2

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I feel my conscience slowly come to me but my body and mind are still fuzzy. But one thing I do notice fully is that I'm burning up and the air feels stuffy.

I feel myself start to slip back into my oblivion. Damn drugs. Dont ever do drugs kids!


I slowly feel myself wake up again and it's not that fuzzy this time. I feel stiff and my joints hurt from being stuck in a tight position for so long.

I try to move around but cant. What the... they freaking put me in a box!? Rude! Ugh.

I try to stay calm as I try to breath the stuffy hot air that I have no idea how many times I've breathed in or for how long.

This really sucks. But I dont hear anyone around me outside. Maybe...

I start moving trying to move around and use my arms and legs to try to break what ever is keeping this box together.


I stop moving as some light shows into my box and I dont hear anyone come running to me so I push harder breaking my prison and falling on the ground as I take in the cool air as the bright light is blinding me.

FREE! NOW TO EXCA- my thoughts are interrupted as I see a clawed paw my my face and I jump back knocking into my prison which I now see is a egg shell with slimy stuff coming out of it. Ewww.

I go wide eyed as I look at the shell and then I look down slowly and see the clawed paws covered in purplish blue scales and as I go to look up higher I notice my neck feels weird also... Almost like its longer... and my body feels weird all together as I look up farther and see that it's not some monster infront of me... but that I am... COVERED IN SCALES AND HAVE CLAWS!?!?!?

I flail around with a startled high pitched rawr that is almost like a church bell being rung extremely fast. I fall onto my back and feel something else extremely odd and I look and see I have freaking wings! But not only that! I have a tail with fins running down the sides of it and a sail like fin running down my spine in between my wings.

"Calm down" I hear a guys voice in my head.

GREAT NOW IM HEARING VOICES AND AM ON HIGH DRUGS!!! I whine is a way that it sounds like a puppy whining and nails being scraped on a chalk board.

"Look your not going crazy and no your not dreaming. Look to your left." The weird guy like voice tells me.

I'm so going crazy... but I guess I can do what it asks.

I turn my head to the left and I see I freaking silver and gold dragon that is as big as me and I take in a gasp as I go to scream.

"DONT SCREAM!" I see him get closer and sit. "I am speaking to you with a mind voice. Think of like your talking to me in your head and I'll hear it."

I nod slightly and try to do what he says. "H-hello?" I try it out and see him nod provingly.

"That's very good. What's your name? My name is Luke." He says in a kind voice.

"I am Aurora. Where are we? What happened to me? Why am I covered in scales? And how can we do this mind voice thing!?" I ask quickly and I see him roll his eyes but answers.

"Well Aurora. We are in a secret government lab somewhere near Hawaii I think. We where once humans but are now aquatic dragons a little bigger than a mountain dog. And for the mind voice we can just do it. There are 57 of us so since you just hatched there is now 58..." he says looking at me.

(Picture of mountain dog beside a person for size reference)

(And if you did not understand just the body is as big as this dog

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(And if you did not understand just the body is as big as this dog. Her neck is about 3 foot long and her head is a little less than a foot long. And her tail is 4 to 5 feet long as well.)

"But... but what about my family and friends?!" I start to panic. "They will be looking for me! And.. and..." I start to tear up.

"For every one of us here. Our families where told that we were kidnapped or straight up that we died. There is no one looking for any of us..." he says in a soft voice. "There is fish and water in 2 bowls at the back of your cage. When you are feeling better go get something to eat and drink." He says as he lays down and let's me process everything that was done and told to me.

Water Wings (Upon Wings Of Change Fanfic) (HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now