Chapter 3

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While everyone was asleep and the lights dimmed I sat up and looked over myself.

My scales are a purple and blue blotches effect all over my body. I have a fin that starts on my neck and ends close to the base of my tail. I actually tried moving it and I can flatten it to where it looks like long scales down my spine. My tail has a fin on both sides of it as well which I was delightfully surprised I can close those fins as well so I look like a normal dragon, not a water dragon anymore. But my hands... er... paws? I'll just call them hands. Have thumbs so I can still pick stuff up and what not. But they have 5 inch retractable claws that look scary even to me, and they are a part of me! And strangely I have a mouth full of razor sharp teeth but that's not the strange part. The strange part is that I have 2 long fangs that is 4 inches long and about 1 inch wide! It's odd how they dont effect me eating! Like this one time for Halloween I dressed as a vampire and I could not eat or talk correctly because of the fangs in my mouth!

But beside from me learning about my new body and learning how to walk in this small cage and keeping people from talking straight into my head it's pretty boring. I still miss my family but it's like in this body I stop grieving fast probably because I've not seen my family in a year by now. And the fact they think I'm dead.

But since I'm stuck in this small cage I have time to also see my surroundings. So I can tell how many male and female there are. The males have these 2 horns right above their ear tufts where the female have none. They are about 2 to 4 inches long and go almost straight back. So in total there are 32 males and 26 females including me. And to my surprise I was able to see all of this in the pitch dark of this lab.

I yawn as this gets boring and shift positions. There is only so much you can see before it becomes boring to you. Ugh. I close my eyes for a second and after a few minutes I hear some doors open and right after almost all of us experiments start growling as they walk by checking us.

"Specimen 372 was taken on September 8 and has hatched on December 23. Tranquilizer A3 was used in capture and high heating was used. Ok time to take her back for her physical." Says a scrawny guy in a white lab coat.

I roll my eyes as 4 others pick up my cage and sit it on a large flat roll cart thing. Ugh am I really that heavy? I don't think I'm fat... right?... I close my eyes to ponder if I am or not

"Did you give her the gas already to evaluate her?" Asks a girls voice as I hear doors close.

"No. She has not moved or made a sound like the others." Says the guy that noticed I hatched.

"Well go on and give it to her. She may just be tired from hatching but I'm not taking those chances." She says as I hear something click and gas starts being pumped into my glass cage.

Shit! Ok I've done training holding my breath. I can do this! I say as I hold in my breath so I don't breath in the gas. My nostrils close naturally with me holding me breath.

"Ok that should do it. Turn off the gas." She says after 5 minutes and I hear the hose being taken off and my cage unlocked.

As they start to take me out of the cage I start breathing again but I don't move a muscle to let them know I'm not drugged.

"She is 110 lbs. (or 50 kg.) and is 28 inches (or 70 cm) at the shoulders. Which is normal weight and hight for the draglings." She starts to open my mouth and I jump up backing away from them as I give a loud growl. "She is awake! Get the muzzles and chain blanket to hold her down!"

I go wide eyed at this and I look around as I see a door way off to my left behind someone just running inwith the muzzle and I tackle him as I run through the door way just as what feels like a earthquake shakes the building and the sirens start blaring. People start running past me not caring as another earthquake shakes the building. I take off running as well when I see the walls start to crack and fall around everyone.

I open the link between me and everyone fast as I ask "What the hell is going on!?"

"We are under attack! Fly!" I hear many voices say.

"FLY!? I'm just learning how to run!!!" I pick up speed following the humans hoping for a exit.

"Get out! Run! Fly! Aliens! They are killing everyone!!! RUN THE YELLOW BEAM IS COMING TOWARDS US!!!" I get bombarded with everyone panicking and they end up yelling then calming down.

"Is everyone okay!?" I yell out in the link as I make it out through a door left falling off the crumbling building.

"Yes we are all okay. The yellow beam is only killing the humans it looks like. The beam passed over us and did nothing. Catch up with us. We are heading over the ocean to north west. We were in Hawaii." Says a voice I remember.

"Ok Luke. I'll catch up go on ahead." I say as I look up seeing the volcano and the smoke from the buildings all around.

Damn. At least we are not in a lab anymore. But now I'm alone. For who knows how long.

A space craft flies over head of me.

Or what dangers being alone I may face. I need to learn how to fly or try to swim the whole way. Fuck.


I'm sorry for not posting! Things have been crazy just like the rest of the world! I've had to cut down many trees from all the recent storms that fell really close to my home. Among other things. Please forgive me! I will still be trying to post weekly but if I can't please no hard feelings!

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