Chapter 3

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I woke up this morning feeling better than ever. All I can think about was the date with Ethan tonight. I decided to go shopping with my Mom at Rockaway Mall. "Skyler! We are leaving in 20 minutes. Be ready!" I hear my mom shout as I'm starting to dig through my clothes in my suitcase.

Note to self: Unpack everything later.

After i figured out my outfit for the mall ( ) I ran downstairs, grabbed an apple, and ran out the door heading towards the car. I opened the door and got in. I decided to check my phone for the first time today. I smile to myself when I see I got a text message from Ethan. I opened it and it said "Good Morning Babe. I can't wait to see you tonight"

I was smiling to myself and texted back, "Good morning I can't wait for tonight! I'm so excited!" I locked my phone after responding. I turned on the radio and my mom and I started singing to StayHigh by Tove Lo.

After the song was over I checked my phone.I had a text message from a random.number. I open it and his from Grayson. "Hey Sky it's Grayson. Can I ask you something?"
I responded "Yeah of course."

"Tomorrow afternoon do you wanna just hang out at my house? We can watch movies and stuff haha"

"I would love too. I'm excited."

I closed my phone and decided to take alittle nap before shopping.

I woke up right before we got there. I opened the door and started to walk into American Eagle. "This place is pretty empty" I thought to my self, at least I thought. A worker came up to me and told me that two boys were here and they are famous so girls are out looking for them. I don't really know who that could be. I decided to just forget about it cause I'm able to shop in peace. After just an hour of shopping some girl bumped into me running towards Pacsun. Just where I was heading. "Oh god. please don't have those famous people in PacSun." I said to myself quietly as I started to walk to PacSun. "Shit." I whisper to myself again as I see a huge crowd outside of PacSun. I push my way into the store. I'm so grateful that the workers allowed me into the store because I'm not a crazy fan girl stalking these two boys. While I'm looking for an outfit to wear for my date with Ethan tonight, I bump into someone much taller and bigger than me by accident. I look up and it is Ethan. "Ethan!" I stand up and hug him.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you" 

"It's fine. Do you know why there are a bunch of girls outside the store right now?" 

"Um. Grayson and I are kinda popular on vine." 

My jaw is probably on the floor right now. How did I not know that he was vine famous? "Wow" is all I could get out of my mouth

"I can't wait for tonight." He smiled at me. All I felt was butterflies in my stomach when he said that.

"Me too. I'll see you later my mom is probably wondering where I am. Have fun with all your fans. I'll see you tonight." 

"I'll see you later" He winks at me and walks away. I'm left just standing there in amazment of how lucky I am to be going on a date with him. I pay for all my stuff ( ) and walk through the crowd of girls. 

I hear girls yelling at me "You don't deserve him" 

"You're a slut" 

"Stay away from Ethan no one likes you." 

I start to tear up from all the comments and start to run away. I run to the car to be greeted by my mom. "What's wrong honey"

"I saw Ethan in one of the stores and I found out he is like famous and I was walking about and all his fans were calling me names cause I was talking to him in the store." 

"Aw honey they are just jealous of you. Look at yourself. You're one of the most beautiful girls anyone have ever seen. Don't to listen to them" 

"Thank you Mom. Can we just go home now. I wanna take a nap. I've been shopping for 5 hours." It was now 2:00 in the afternoon and my date with Ethan was at 5:00. Once we got home I took a nap until 3:30. Once I got up and decided to do my hair. I lightly curled and I also applied a light amount of eye makeup. Once I finished with that it was 4:25. I decided to get dressed. I put on my dress and my tights and jewelry. I looked at myself in the mirror and said to myself "Have confidence in yourself." I smiled at myself and decided to just go through twitter till Ethan came to pick me up. It's about 4:55 so I decided to head down stairs. Right as I was started walking down the stairs the door bell rang. "I'll get it." I yelled to my mom. I open the door to spiffy Ethan in a suit. I smile as I look up at him. 

"Ready to go? You look beautiful tonight." 

I blush and say "Thank you and I'm ready to go."  

We walk out and we walk down the street to a beautiful resturant. "This is beautiful Ethan." I look up him as he grabs my hand and we begin to walk into the resturant. 

"Table for 2?'

"Right this way" The waiter says as he grabs two menus and beings walking towards the back of the building. I get seated nixt to the window where we have a beautiful view of the sunset. 

"This is amazing. Thank you so much for taking me out." I said turning my head away from the sunset. 

"It was my pleasure taking a girl like you out to dinner." 

We spent the last hour and a half just talking about ourselves and getting to know eachother. We finished eating and decided to head back. We got to my door step and Ethan began to speak. " I had a great time tonight. Maybe we can do it again another day."

"I would love to do that." He began to lean in and his lips softly touched mine. It felt like there were fireworks going off around us. He pulls away and I smile up at him. "I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Bye Sky." He says as he starts walking to his house. I open the door and run upstairs to my room. I'm dancing around becuase I'm so happy from tonight. I take off my makeup and change into pajamas. I start to drift to sleep replaying all the memories from tonight.

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