In the Noble House of Black

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When we got to Sirius's house it may have been a little, dirty, grungy and creepy but we knew that we would have to stay here. We heard Mrs. Black yelling things like, Mudbloods, and blood-traitors from a scroungy old painting of her. I know that we can get used to this house, but the most disturbing part of it all was the house elf- Kreacher. Now Kreacher, must have been cared for at one time because he didn't look like he was abused so I just figured that he would warm up to us eventually. The room that Albus showed us that we could use was Sirius's old room, so of course it didn't look like the rest of the house because it had Gryffindor posters everywhere and picture of girls on motorcycles, that he had bewitched to move like the wizard world paintings did.

Now, the next morning was a little different because Albus had left right before we went to sleep, and we had the whole house to ourselves, so we called on Kreacher to make us breakfast. Kreacher wouldn't take any orders from me even though I was really nice to him, I guess that he didn't like muggle born witches and wizards. James finally got him to make us breakfast, and we had toast, bacon, eggs and pumpkin juice.

 Since we had to lay low from people that would recognize us we decided to use some polleyjuice potion to disguise ourselves so we could get the stuff that we needed like, clothes, quills, ink, parchment, and new wands for the both of us. I knew that getting a wand would be difficult because Ollivander would have to know it was us, so Albus filled him in.  

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