Aries: You play Truth or dare with everyone
Taurus: You watch a cool show with everyone
Gemini: You play Uno with everyone
Cancer: You do everyone's hair, then they do your hair
Leo: You paint nails with everyone
Virgo: You watch ANIME memes with everyone
Libra: You make cookies with everyone
Scorpio: You play the (insert what instrument you play/with you played here) with everyone
Sagittarius: You watch normal memes with everyone
Capricorn: You make hot chocolate with everyone, but not just your average hot chocolate. You make it.. "extra"
Aquarius: You play god darn Janga with everyone
Pisces: You go out back into the pool, and go swimming with everyone. Everyone know it's nighttime
Doki Doki Literature Club Zodiac!
AcakThis book will be about your zodiac in Doki Doki Literature Club! I hope you enjoy! :3