You have sleepover with all of the club members, what do you do with everyone?

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Aries: You play Truth or dare with everyone

Taurus: You watch a cool show with everyone

Gemini: You play Uno with everyone

Cancer: You do everyone's hair, then they do your hair

Leo: You paint nails with everyone

Virgo: You watch ANIME memes with everyone

Libra: You make cookies with everyone

Scorpio: You play the (insert what instrument you play/with you played here) with everyone

Sagittarius: You watch normal memes with everyone

Capricorn: You make hot chocolate with everyone, but not just your average hot chocolate. You make it.. "extra"

Aquarius: You play god darn Janga with everyone

Pisces: You go out back into the pool, and go swimming with everyone. Everyone know it's nighttime

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