Chapter 10

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Eli had explained to Ezra that sinkholes happened from time to time in Csilla, but usually, the Chiss realized soon enough to ensure everyone's safety... sadly, this had been one of the times luck was not on their side. A team of experts had been immediately brought to make a complete analysis of the rest of the cave and found no other signs of danger. Ezra noticed the rest of the Chiss carried on with their lives as if nothing had happened. If the experts said it was fine, they trusted their word completely.

Ezra's whole disposition changed after the incident, allowing him to finally start advancing on his Sy-Bisti with a newfound sense of conviction. During the following few days, Eli also explained to him more about the Council of Families and their role in Chiss society. The Ruling Families had each a Head Representative on a seat in the Council, wearing their respective family colors and shared a somewhat equal standing in power. The First Family was Caspla, which had silver colors and were the unofficial leaders of the Council, having control over resource management and affairs for the rest of their 28 colonies... an essential job given 8 billion people in Csilla depended on imports to their frozen planet. Nuruodo, in red, was the Second Family and one of the most important ones for its focus on military and foreign policy. The Third Family was Inrokini, in green, who were in charge of industry, communications and non-military technology. The Fourth Family was Sabosen, in lilac, who dealt with justice, basic education and health. The Fifth Family was Chaf, in yellow, and dealt with military technology. Bintrano was the Sixth Family, orange, which focused on economy and travel. The Seventh Family was Miurani, dark blue, and they focused on general scientific research and higher education. The Eight Family, Mitth, Thrawn's family, used burgundy and focused on defense and shipbuilding. At last was the Ninth Family, Safis, light blue, that managed political and social affairs.

Ezra sighed turning down the datapad after reading the report Eli had prepared for him about the Families. Politics back home were complicated enough and now he had to get familiar with all of this.

"Need a break?" Eli looked at him curiously from his seat at the table.

"Yes, if you don't mind..." Ezra stretched and rubbed his neck.

"Sure, go ahead," Eli shrugged. They were actually catching up and making good time with the pending lessons. Ezra made his way to the terrace to get some air and clear his head a little.

For his part, Eli kept reviewing the study plan, adjusting some topics and subjects depending on how he was seeing Ezra progress. Eli decided to use this break to also check a second datapad with several other complex data. He had neglected his investigation on the House who had helped the Grysk kidnap the children, and now that Thrawn was safe, he felt compelled to continue where he left off... even if he wasn't under Ar'alani orders anymore.

After several minutes of being absorbed by the data, he noticed the silence. That's weird, Eli thought. In the last few days, even when Ezra was by himself, he hummed or at least Eli could hear him work out to relieve his stress outside. Eli leaned back on his chair to get a better look at the terrace... and it was empty. Eli frowned. Ezra hadn't gone to his room, he would have seen him entering back. If he wasn't in the terrace-...

Eli tensed. Had Ezra just...? No. Oh no. Eli's blood ran cold and he got up so fast he knocked his chair back. He quickly rushed outside but slowed down as he approached the stone railing, almost afraid of what he could see down below. Eli's heart was beating fast. Ezra wouldn't... he wouldn't jump, would he? Eli had a flash of an old memory from his childhood in Lysatra, how his mother refused to transport a particular type of avian out of the planet. The poor things let themselves die if you keep them in a cage, she had said. Eli was so sure Ezra had been in a better mood... Had he missed the signs? A shiver ran down his spine, but he finally gathered the courage to look down. The street below was empty. Eli gasped with both surprise and relief... but his mind was racing. Ezra was still missing.

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