44. Your Words, Not Mine

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💚 *survives another work deadline to bring you another update* 💚

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Freddie's head lay soundly at rest on Lucy's shoulder while their soon-to-land plane neared Cleveland's airport. His forehead nestled into her neck and she smiled before she turned her eyes out of the window, her vision examining the wing of the plane carving through white swamps of clouds.

One deep inhale absorbed her entire awareness into an overwhelm of her own thoughts, with one pertinent question circulating on replay...

Is he happy?

Is he truly happy with me?

Lucy glanced down at his dark head of hair and kissed his crown before sinking into the depths of her mind, letting its solitude torture her into loneliness.

I can't stand the thought of it... The pain of separation he must feel when we are away from each other...

Would he be happier with someone else?

Nothing lasts forever...

"Mmm... I can live with the bloody time change as long as I get to sleep next to you."

The husky rasp in Freddie's voice annexed her back into the present moment as he swallowed through the sleepiness in his throat.

She squeezed the hand of his that rested in his lap. "Even on a plane halfway around the world, you're still such a romantic."

"Of course I am with you, darling."

Freddie lifted the armrest between their seats out of their way and snuggled himself closer to her

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Freddie lifted the armrest between their seats out of their way and snuggled himself closer to her. He tilted his head up into the perfect angle to kiss her neck, smiling into it when he felt her restless pulse thumping against his soft lips.

"Are you cozy?" Lucy hummed to him as his arms found a snug grip around her waist.

"Why don't you have a look at how comfortable I am with you and then you tell me, hm? Oh, you know I love it dear—my own personal heater."

"Oh yeah?" More play arose in Lucy's tone. "Is that why you keep me around? For my body heat?"

"Your body is hot... can't blame me... I'd say I might as well do something about it then, shouldn't I? C'mon—"

Freddie reached for her leg and crossed it over his lap as he stroked the impeccably ticklish flesh of her thighs.

"Come into my lap." Overriding any opportunity for her to protest, Freddie, with a tight grip on her thigh, began to drag her body on top of his lap. "C'mon. Warm me up. Let's go... Fasten seatbelt light is off—it's fine. Up you go, C'mon. Right here."

Freddie lifted her and squeezed her hips, situating her onto his lap with her legs draping to the side while her arm came to wrap around his neck.

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