One day until time starts

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Cara P.O.V.

It's lunch time and Kyle was in the middle of Emma and I. I was still mad of what I saw. My brother and my best friend? No. Just no. Never can happened. I look over to see Ashton and Michael talking as Luke was just looking at food nodding to whatever Calum was saying. I look at Emma, who was watching Luke. Kyle look over at the guys then us sighing. "You two need to make up. You know Luke, Cara and he wouldn't do anything to Emma. Emma you need to see what Cara saw was just shocking to see. So make up we can talk about me." He said crossing his arms.

I'm sorry, we both said at the same time. "I get it. I shouldn't have try to conformed Luke, I'm not his girlfriend or anything like that." No, I know you care about people a lot and you were just trying to help my brother out.

"Finally, we can talk about me." he said as the bell rang. "Really?!" Emma and I giggle, walking to our next class. The bell rang and we went to our lockers. School over for the day, finally. "I'll be back. I left my book in Ms. Stacy's room again." I look up to see Ashton hitting the locker softly. Hi Ashton, what's up? "I was just asking if you had any clues on this person messing with Luke?" I don't. I've been trying to see who has this writing or maybe they hire someone to write it?

"Do you think they would? Wouldn't they get in trouble as well?" They might? Can we talk about this later Ash, Emma coming back soon and I'll tell you later. You coming over to my place right? "Yeah. Luke wants all of us guys to hang out." That's good.

Calum P.O.V.

Ashton and Michael were getting some snacks. I sat my bass down beside Ashton drums, looking over at Luke. Great job today. "It sucked Calum. I kept everyone off by a few beats."

I move a chair over by Luke, sitting down. Mate, stop it. You're great at what you do. So today wasn't the best day. It only gets better. "I guess it does." He move some notes around, changing it with the pencil in his hand. When Ash and Michael come back, want to try again? "Probably"

*Dinner Time*

Thank you Ms. Hemmings for dinner. "Thank you." Ashton and Michael said. I'm sitting by Michael and Luke as Ashton is by Cara and Ms. Hemmings. I look at the food then over at Luke. Luke got up and left without saying anything. May I be excused Ms. Hemmings? She nods talking to Cara. I push my chair in going upstairs to Luke room, walking in without knocking.

"What?!" Luke yelled looking down. "Sorry Calum" It's fine mate. What's up with you? It is about that note I got in my locker or? "Yeah it's the note." He says looking up wiping his tears. Mate. I close his door and sat beside him.

I'm sorry that someone is doing this to you. "It's not you doing it?" Luke questioned me. No, I'm not. Why would you think that? "I didn't mean to Calum, I'm just going into the unknown of this if who or what the hell this 'game' is."

I listen to Luke nodding hugging him. He cry into my shoulder. I sigh. We will find out who or whom is doing this. I got your back.

Luke P.O.V.

My best friends were gone and it was about 8:30 p.m. Mum can I go for a drive? She gave me my jacket. Mum it's not even cold? "Well too bad honey. Be back before 11 and no later. Just be happy I'm saying yes because it's school night young man." I kiss her cheek. Thanks mum. I drove around town for a little bit and it was around 9:45 p.m. I pull up into the driveway locking my car, knocking on the door, biting my lip.

I saw Emma open her front door wearing a light blue sweater with the matching sweatpants, wearing her reading glasses on and her hair a little messy. "What are you doing here Luke?" Pushing up her glasses. "My parents are asleep. Is everything alright?"

I want to tell you something before I can't. I like you a lot. I really like you. You're caring, sweet, funny, amazing and over all beautiful from inside out. When you help me when a rock was thrown at my window into my room. You didn't care how much I push you away, you stayed or when I yelled at you in the kitchen, you didn't worry what i would do, you stayed. I like every single thing about you Emma Nicole Jones. I don't know how you feel about me and it's okay if you don't feel the same. I mean who would like her best friend brother?

I pull her close wrapping my arms around her waist. I didn't let her answer my question when I kiss her and she kiss me back. It's the best kiss I've ever had. We pull away letting go of her waist.

We look at each other, looking away then back at each other. I-I I didn't think I was going to drive over here and do this. She giggle pushing up her glasses. "Me either, but I'm happy you did." Really? Emma kiss my cheek taking my hand into her. "Wow that was" We said beautiful, looking back at each other for a moment.

"I don't want to be mean but I should go to bed and all that crap. I got a test tomorrow in history and I don't want my parents to find you here they might tell your mum. She will be asking a lot of questions." she started to bite her lip. I understand. I let go of our hands before I kissing her head and took off my jacket putting it over her shoulders. I'll always be with you Emma no matter what. My jacket wrap around her perfectly. She smile holding on it. I know my sister will be pissed but I don't care. Will you go on a date with me by any chance?

"Yes please. I mean that would cool." Emma said. You're so damn cute. Pick you up at 8 or 6? It's a school night so 6 then? "8 is fine. I'll be a ramble." You a ramble? We laugh, I kiss her cheek and I got in my car driving off waving.

I just did that. I just ask Emma out. Ass, what I am going to tell Cara or should I?

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