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warning; contains sexual activity

♤♤ -- ♤♤ -- ♤♤

You straddled his lap, grinding slowly against it, making him groan and move his hands from your waist down to your ass. You detached your soft lips from his neck and moved to his shoulder, pulling his shirt down a bit. He bit his lip and squeezed your ass, your hand trailing down to his pants, palming the growing bulge. He threw his head back and let outa shaky breath, you smirked. Seeing him like this made you feel so powerful, he always so cocky about him being the top dog in the relationship but when it came to moments like these, he was just so vulnerable.

He squeezed your bottom harder as he inhaled deeply, "[y.n], stop play wit me, ma.." he begged, lifting one hand to rub his face.

"Latrelle.." you cooed, he looked up immediately. You grinned and moved your crotch directly on top of his, moving back and forth slowly. Latrelle moaned quietly, you bit your lip and put your hands on his shoulders. Having enough of the teasing, Latrelle growled and pushed her back on the bed. He took his and your shirt off, throwing them somewhere in the room.

"Mine." He mumbled, sucking and lightly biting your collar bone. You moaned, moving your hands to his hair and pulling it gently. He sucked your neck like some sort of fucking vampire and moved his hands between your legs. You closed your eyes and rested your head back, letting out a sigh of pleasure.

Then, out of nowhere, your door swung open, making Latrelle to immediately get off of his girlfriend and for you to cover your chest. Jasmine stood at the door, smirking. "Oh yeah, [y.n]! Get that prophet dick!" Latrelle laughed a bit and hid his face in your neck, you looked at her in pure horror. "Anyways, I was just gonna tell you that I'm gonna go to Ruby's house and that I'll be back in an hour or two." Jasmine giggled and you let out a small 'ok'.

"I'll you get back to your lil dick session, bye sissy, have fun!~" She laughed, closing the door behind her. You groaned and ran your hands through your messy hair, your face redder than an apple while Latrelle waited for Jasmine to leave the house.

You knew after that little incident, Jasmine was never going to let you live it down. Soon, they both heard the front door shut and Latrelle got back on top of you, moving his hand back down in between your legs. You gasped at the sudden contact and felt Latrelle's lips back on your neck.

"Now, where were we?" He grinned, almost making you melt.

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