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[f.c] - favorite color

♤♤ -- ♤♤ -- ♤♤

I stared at her in pure amazement, she was just.. so gorgeous. Should I go talk to her? Should I wave? Should I ask her to dance with me? Fuck, what do I do? I straightened out my dress and tossed a piece of gum into my mouth and tied my shoe laces as fast as I could. I looked up again and saw her moving to the beat of the song, I bit my lip and got back up. I took a step forward but stopped in my tracks, looking back at my friends. They all gave me a quick thumbs up and encouraged me to keep moving, I nodded and smiled.

Even though the gym was full, she was the only one I noticed. Then I saw her dancing with him, they looked like they were having so much fun and I stopped, I had forgotten about the dance competition. I walked forward and stood next to Cesar and Monsé, they were cheering Jasmine and Ruby on. I forced a smile and clapped slowly, Jasmine saw me and winked. I froze up and turned red, waving in return.

Ruby and Jasmine finished their dance, cheers erupted from the crowd of students and some from teachers.

"And the winners are; Ruben Martinez and Jasmine Flores!"

I jumped up and cheered, clapping for them. "Yeah, Jasmine!" She looked so happy, squealing and clapping. My smile soon turned into a straight line when I saw him kiss her. She pulled away in shock but pulled him back into a deep kiss, Cesar and Monsé looked shocked but cheered for them anyways.

I felt my heart slowly breaking and fall into tiny pieces. My friends pulled me away from them and took me outside, trying to snap me out of my trance. I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw my [f.c] dress stained with a few drops of my tears.

"[y.n], baby, look at me.."

I looked up and quietly wiped my spilling tears. "Was I not good enough, Emi?" I whispered, my voice breaking with each word I said. Emi wiped my tears away while my other friend, played with my hair while hugging me. Emi smiled weakly, looking up at the sky then back down at me. "Of course you are, sweetie. You are more than enough.."

I looked down at my hands and started sobbing uncontrollably, I've been in love with this girl ever since elementary. I've stuck by her side and helped her through rough times. I was there for her all the times he denied her love, I was there to be the shoulder she cried on at the middle of night.

My friends held me, comforting me in the only way they could. "Damnit, I've rejected so many people for her. I love her for fuck's sake, why can't she see that?" Emi wiped my tears away. "Here, love. Drink up." Lorraine handed me a flask, her eyes filled with playfulness and sympathy. I took the flask and looked at Lorraine, "What is it?" I hiccuped, looking between the flask and her tall figure. She rolled her blue eyes and put a hand on her hip, "Just drink it." I nodded and took a quick sip, my face twisting into disgust.


"Yup, now hand it to Emi."

Emi took it and took a big gulp, wiping her mouth when she finished. "Tasty." She said, smirking. I giggled and took another swig from the flask. We were all drinking and I finally got a little tipsy, we were in a middle of a conversation when the doors slammed wide open, revealing the one and only; Jasmine Flores.

Emi and Lorraine looked annoyed, I looked at her in awe, my feelings hitting me like a speeding car. "[y.n].." she whispered, I shivered at the sound of my name coming from her mouth.


"Can we talk?"

"Oh, erm, of course!"

"In private.."

"Oof, um.. could you leave us alone for a bit girlies?"

"What, are insane-" Lorraine shouted but was interrupted by Emi. Emi smiled and nodded, pulling Lorraine back inside of the school. Jasmine sat next to me and smiled, her eyes meeting mine. I almost melted in the spot, her eyes were so beautiful. Everything about her was so beautiful, she was like a goddess in disguise. Wait, no, she IS a goddess.

"Are you ok?" She asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. I bit my lip and smirked. "Now I am.." She giggled and gently pushed me. I smiled and kept looking between her lips and her eyes, "You're so gorgeous.." I said, placing a hand on her cheek. She smiled and blushed, playing with the ends of her hair. I pulled away from her and drank more of the burning substance, she looked at the flask and quietly shook her head.

"Let me ask you something Jasmine." I said, looking at the cloudy sky. Jasmine sat closer to me and squeezed my thigh for reassurance.

"Porque el? What does he have, that I don't?"

"What do you mean?"

I sighed, looking into her eyes.

"Why do you like him? Is it not obvious?"

"I-I don't understand.."

I huffed and looked away in frustration, "You know what, fuck it." I mumbled as I grabbed Jasmine's face, meeting her lips with mine. She stood still but eventually moved her lips in sync with mine. I pulled away and held both of her soft hands, "I love you so much and I hate that you don't see that. Be mine mamas, let me make you happy.. let me help you know what love is.." I said, squeezing her hands at random moments.

Jasmine smiled and nodded, pulling me into another kiss.

"I'm yours, [y.n]."

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