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[l.n] - last name
[e.c] - eye color

♤♤ -- ♤♤ -- ♤♤

"Hey mamas."

"Hey [y.n]. What are you doing here so early?"

"I just couldn't risk losing a seat next to my favorite girl."


She smiled, shaking her head as she moved her backpack from the seat next to her. You sat down and put your chin on your hand, staring at the girl next to you. Monsé's focus was on the board in front of the class while your focus was on her. You and Monsé met during a lockdown back in your middle school days, you had been skipping your classes and had nowhere to go, so you went into the nearest classroom; which happened to be hers. After that one a counter, both of you had been inseparable and now you made a big oopsie; falling in love with her.

"Ms. [l.n], are you even listening?" You snapped out of your trance and looked at the teacher in annoyance, "What?" The woman rolled her eyes and pointed to the board, "Did you write the notes down ma'am?" You shook your head and smirked, looking back at Monsé.

"[y.n], if you want to continue sitting where you are, please write down the notes."

You sighed and pulled out your notebook from your backpack, making the whole class laugh. Monsé immediately looked at you and shook her head in an attempt to keep you quiet but, you ignored her and stood up, slamming your notebook on the desk. "Yo, what's so funny?" You yelled, the class immediately went quiet with the occasional giggles. "Yuh, stay quiet." You growled, scooting your desk closer to Monsé. Monsé did the same and took your hand in hers, looking at the board and taking notes with her free hand. Your heart did somersaults while your brain was screeching, you almost melted on the stop which made Monsé look at you in concern.

"You good?"

"You're holding my haaaand.."


"I'm winning you over!"

Monsé blushed and looked back at the board, still holding your hand. You sighed in delight and closed your eyes, savoring every second of this moment.

30 minutes passed and the bell rang, the class starting to slowly empty out. You groaned as Monsé let go of your hand to pack her stuff up, you shoved your pencil and noteless notebook into your backpack, not caring if the pages of your journal were to crumble or rip.

"Monsé." You called the female in front of you, she turned and rose an eyebrow. Instead of answering, you licked your lips and looked her up and down. Monsé blushed brightly and slapped your arm, you laughed and intertwined your hand with hers. She didn't pull away and walked next to you, looking down at her shoes. Soon the hallways started to empty, some kids going to class while others had lunch.


You looked at Monsé, she shrugged and checked her phone. "It's Cesar." She told you, putting her phone back in her pocket. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, pulling her into a an empty classroom and pushed her against a wall. "What the hell [y.n]?!" She exclaimed, her face inches away from yours. You smirked and put your hands her waist, looking back and forth between lips and her eyes. Monsé bit her lip and wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling yoour face closer to hers. You leaned forward and so did she, you closed your eyes and smiled. Your lips met hers, your grip on her waist tightening, but not enough to hurt her.

Her lips moved in sync with yours, moving her hands to your cheeks. You pulled away and put your forehead against hers, "I know if I ask you to be mine, you're gonna say no." You said, sadly. Monsé looked into your [e.c] eyes and nodded slowly, "I just.. I can't, [y.n]." You breathed in and nodded, tears pricking at your eyes. You pulled away completely from her and went to the door, "Yeah, it's whatever. Um, see you around?"

"Mhm, see you.."

You left the room and tears left your eyes, falling down your red cheeks as you walked out of the school and to your house. Monsé slid down the wall and held her knees up to her chest, looking at the ceiling. She regretted saying no, for she had loved every inch of her best friend, [y.n]. Little did she know, Monsé would never see [y.n]'s face again.

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