012. SAPO

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warning;; s m u t

♤♤ -- ♤♤ -- ♤♤

"Oh fuck!"

"Shh, you're being too loud.."

"I don't c-care."


"[y.n], p-please.."

You sighed and went back to work, swirling your tongue on the tip of his dick. He let out a shaky breath, his eyes rolling to back of his head while his hands were lost in your [h.c] locks. You looked up at your boyfriends, your hand moving his shaft.

He gasped shakily, his free hand tugging at his own hair.

"[y.n].. f-fuckk.." he groaned, guiding your head up and down. Your free hand moving down to your womanhood, hovering just over but not quite touching it. "Baby, por favor dame mas.." Sapo pleaded, tugging gently at your hair.

You smirked seeing him like this. You felt so powerful, feeling like a queen. You deep throated him, bobbing your head up and down as you toyed with your own 'area'. You moaned, sending vibrations throughout his body. He moaned loudly, running his hands through your hair.

"Baby, I'm gonna cum!"

You slowed down and hollowed your cheeks. Sapo moaned loudly and pulled your hair, releasing his seed in your mouth.

He gasped for air, you pulled away and swallowed. He looked at you with half lidded eyes, motioning you to sit on his lap. You grinned and kissed his lips, moving around to get comfortable.

His hand trailed down to your shorts, rubbing your thigh in a teasing manner.
You groaned and lightly bit his bottom lip, running your hands through his messy hair.

"Wait, stop.. Cuete and the others might hear." You pulled away, fixing your top. Sapo rolled his eyes and laughed, making you confused.

"Baby, they probably already know. Soo.. does it really matter?"

"Yes, yes it does. I don't wanna make 'em uncomfortable."

You moved away from him and pushed your hair back. Sapo growled and pulled you back onto his lap, kissing your neck with desperation. You bit your lip and grinded against his lap.

"Screw them."

He laid you down and pulled away from your neck, pulling your shirt off. You sighed and rolled your eyes, secretly happily you were doing this.

He pulled his shirt off too, revealing all the hickies you made. You smirked and sat up, taking off your bra while he stared at your perfect body. "Ouu, I'm so luckyy." He whispered, his rough hands cupping your breasts.

You bit your lip, feeling your panties dampening as he moved his hands in circular motions. Sapo took a quick glance at your face, smirking. He knew the more he teased you, the more it got you going.

His free hand trailed down to your womanhood, rubbing through your panties.


Your cheeks flushed while he touched you. It all felt new to you but it sure as hell wasn't, you and Sapo were very.. active to say the least. But his touch was like heaven to you, he was your safe haven.

"Sapo.. please.." you begged, your bottoms off and scattered throughout the room. He smirked, slowly taking off his boxers while he stared into your [e.c] eyes. You whined, subconsciously bucking your hips towards his twitching member.

He towered over you, his member lined up with your womanhood. Sapo smashed his lips with yours while thrusting into you.

You let out a loud moan in the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, your nails digging into his back. He thrusted faster, pulling away to hear your moans. You clawed at his back as he went deeper, his fingers rubbing your clit in circles.

You moaned loudly, pulling him closer to your body as your eyes rolled back. He huffed and groaned, his eyes shut tight.

You felt your walls tighten around his member, a fire igniting in the pit of your stomach.

"S-Sapo.. fuck.. I'm.. hah.. so close..!"

Sapo held your cheek and looked into your half lidded eyes, "Cum for me baby.."

You threw your head back and scratched his back, letting out a very loud moan.


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