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"she's cheer captain and
i'm on the bleachers"

"yo! are you watching soccer practice today?" yedam asked sumin who was staring blankly at her table.

"yah, kang sumin." yedam puched her arm lightly which snapped sumin back to reality. "huh? you were saying?" she asked him.

"you have been spacing out lately. are you okay?" yedam asked her, with a tone full of concern. sumin smiled and smack yedam's stomach to pretend she was okay. well, yeah she is okay, but not her heart.

"ow. kang sumin that hurts." he said while clutching his stomach.

sumin just gave him a playful smile. "so? you were saying?"

"i was asking you if you want to watch soccer practice so we could go home together." yedam repeated, still clutching on his stomach because it still hurts.

"oh yeah, sure." sumin agreed and arranged her things on her bag. after doing so, she looked at yedam who had just recovered from her smack.

"okay, let's go!" she told yedam.

"yeah, but payback first." yedam grinned.

"wait hold up-" sumin couldn't continue what she was saying when yedam started pinching both of her cheeks.

"yedaaaammm eshtapppp." she struggled to reply because of what yedam was doing to her. yedam just laughed before he stopped. when he did, sumin started rubbing her cheeks while squinting her eyes on yedam who just shrugged.

"what?" yedam pretended to be innocent. she bumped his shoulder before leaving their classroom while stomping her feet.

yedam couldn't help but laugh at how she would get easily annoyed. it was a fun sight for him and he loved it.

"hurry up, bang yedam!" sumin impatiently yelled outside their classroom.

"okay. okay. i'm coming."


when they arrived at the soccer field, yedam asked sumin to bring his bag. she agreed and he immediately went to the field to start practicing. she was getting hooked at their practice match, not until her eyes landed on the other side of the field. she saw the cheerleading squad practicing a routine.

yes, it was definitely unusual for a korean high school to have a cheerleading squad, but they really had. sumin had her eyes on the girl she envied the most, shin chaeyoung.

shin chaeyoung was oddly versatile. she can sing and she can also do cheerleading. she even have good grades and a clear skin. sumin looked at her before looking at bang yedam.

it was at this moment that she felt like she was getting slapped back to reality for the nth time that bang yedam was way out of her league.

and at that exact moment, all she wanted to do was cry.

you belong with me ; b. yedamWhere stories live. Discover now