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"standing by and waiting
at your backdoor."

"okay guys! take five!" junkyu halted their band practice as everyone sighed in relief. just then, hyunsuk went inside the music room bringing refreshments for them.

"nobody asked but we brought junkies and drinks." hyunsuk said holding a plastic bag full of goods, with him were jaehyuk and mashiho, who were also bringing them foods.

"oh my goodness! i love you choi hyunsuk!" minah ran towards hyunsuk and gave him a tight hug before getting the plastic bag he was holding.

"yeah, you might want to take that back, minah. i'm not really sure if someone felt happy upon hearing that." everyone except minah looked at junkyu who was trying hard to not make eye contact with them. minah raised her eyebrow before shrugging and passing the drinks to the band members. chaeyoung was not part of it anymore, so it was only yedam, sumin, minah, junkyu and haruto now.

"it's not like someone has a crush on me." minah said as she gave yedam a drink. junkyu choked and started coughing. everybody except minah again laughed but haruto laughed the loudest among them– karma's fast so haruto choked in the process too.

"okay, i feel really out of place." minah said.

"thank you." sumin told jaehyuk who was handing her hot cheetos. yedam suddenly caught a glimpse of them talking while drinking his water. he felt really annoyed while looking at sumin and jaehyuk talking and laughing. he did not even know what was happening but he really wanted to drag sumin away from jaehyuk because he did not like the sight of it. it even worsen when mashiho started clinging on sumin's shoulder while smiling at her cutely.

hyunsuk noticed yedam's piercing stares at jaehyuk and mashiho which made him laugh at sat beside yedam. "are you jealous?" yedam was caught off-guard with the unexpected question he heard from hyunsuk. "no!" he quickly denied and chugged the remaining water on the bottle.

hyunsuk could only chuckle and pat yedam's shoulder. "you are, yedam."

"no, i am not." yedam denied once again.

"really? because you're hurting the burrito you are holding." hyunsuk pointed the burrito yedam was holding which was almost crushed and the fillings were already squirting out. yedam sighed as he placed the burrito back on a paper plate. hyunsuk chuckled as he pat yedam's shoulder. "take it easy, yedam. you're making it so obvious that you like her."

yedam frowned. "well, you aren't the first one to say that." hyunsuk looked at him. "someone else did? who?" he asked.


"even your ex-girlfriend noticed it."

"now i can't even look at sumin without feeling weird." yedam sighed and raked his hair due to frustration. "ever since chaeyoung told me that, i couldn't get sumin out of my mind. do i really like her that way?" he asked hyunsuk.

hyunsuk smiled. "you do. you're just too dense to notice that and it shows." hyunsuk laughed.

"what do you think of sumin?" hyunsuk asked yedam. yedam looked at sumin who was stealing chips from junkyu.

"sumin is..." yedam started. "someone i wanted to protect. every plans i have on my life she was always part of it. seeing her happy makes me happy. she looks really tough but she's actually really scared sometimes. she looks really scary to some but she's very kind, really."

hyunsuk smiled. "you could make a two thousand word essay if the topic is sumin for sure." yedam laughed. "i could make more than that." he looked at hyunsuk. "she's the most important girl in my life next to my mom."

meh 🤣

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