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"have you ever thought just maybe,
you belong with me?"

"yedam!" her brown eyes fell to mere slices, like the small slivers of sky, leaning onto something as she called my name. it was rather odd that i couldn't reply to her at that moment. i confess, i was still in a bit of stew. her carefree giggles echoed not just on the desserted classroom but also in my ears— including my heart. her glance was the best ray of light that surrounded me.  it was very alarming how her presence suddenly became a palette of sunshine painting happiness in my colorless life.

you like her.

no, it can't be.

how can i like someone i only treated as a little sister since the beginning? maybe i just got everything mixed up?

pft. jokes on you, bang yedam. you already it was more than that.

"yedam, are you okay?" she looked at me worrily but i just choose to stare at her rather than opening my mouth, trying to stop myself from saying something i might regret later.

"anyway, i bought lang leav's new book." she proudly showcased the book she was holding and smiled, showing her snaggled tooth.


it was one of her best features. the way how her insicor shows whenever she smiles was more beautiful than daisies that had just sprouted. it was like a dew in a sunny morning. breathtakingly magnificent.

"yah! dammie." she snapped me back to reality as i fluttered my eyes and coughed.

that was awkward.

"are you sick?" she asked and placed her palm on my forehead. her face was just an inch away and all i could think about was how pretty her facial features were up close. my eyes wandered on her face and examine every features she had until my stare landed on her lips which were pouting at the moment. i cleared my throat as my face heated up and mumbled a small "i'm fine."

"man, you're spacing out." she giggled. i stared at her in awe. i mean, isn't it mind-blowing that someone can make you forget about the things you are supposed to be worrying right now? how their single laugh can light up your world which you thought was falling apart?

how can she take my breath away with everything she does?

if only my eyes were cameras, i would definitely record those scenarios.

"yedam. are you really okay?" she asked me, again. she's probably confused why i was acting this way. i'm not blaming her, even i, myself, is perplexed.

how can her eyes steal all my words away?

i settled every messy thoughts going inside my brain and tried to look for the answer i was looking for.

silly me, of course i knew what it was.

"yah, yedam, i swear i will kill—"

"sumin, i like you."

sorry huhu 😞 i know i said that all of the chapters would be written in a third person's point of view— but guys, we needed this. HAHA this is it y'all. ; ((

btw yedamie's solo snatched my wig. i literally had a motherly smile plastered on my face while i was listening to the song disregarding the fact that it was a sad song... the flunk?! HAHAHAHAHA im just so happy for yedam. he deserves it so much 🥺💗

he frickin' fell on his bike omygosh! stream wayo guys. 😭❤️

you belong with me ; b. yedamWhere stories live. Discover now