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Hello Friends 💕

Today I wanted to have a little chat about respect.

I feel as though the meaning of respect has been lost. I mean with this whole Ferguson protest and the protestors burning our flag is just ugh. Where is the respect in that? You are disrespecting those who give/ have given their lives for that flag, and that by no means is okay. As rude as this is about to sound, burning our nation's flag that thousands have died for will not bring back one life.

I think this is where our nations problem lies. The lack of respect comes from not thinking about it at all. In fact many people don't even have respect for themselves which is beyond sad. How have we gotten to this point?

Here is a personal experience of lack of respect I have witnessed. I had an algebra teacher that my class had absolutely no respect for.

She would kindly ask us to be quiet, and my class of course wouldn't do as asked. So eventually she had to yell at us, and I don't blame her.

Then sparked the rumors of how mean she was, and the jokes about her. They made fun of her weight, her arms, her hair, her voice. Anything they could mock her with they did.

Later on I found out that this amazing woman had defeated breast cancer. When my class found this out there was still a huge lack of respect. Every time I think of this, a sentence pops into my mind:

No respect for a fighter.

A woman, who was just trying to do her job, who beat cancer, got no respect. Now that is just plain out wrong and sad.

She deserved more respect than she got. Teachers, parents, people who fight for our country, your brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, friends, cousins, they all deserve respect. Granted you do have to earn respect in most situations. But to anybody who is trying to help you and do what is best for you in life deserves respect.

We are all human. We share the same rights. We all live on this planet. We all have a heart and a brain. We are more alike in ways than not.

Respect not only yourself, and others around you.

If you don't respect yourself how do you expect others to?

You don't know the story behind people. A story that may earn them respect. So start off with respect. I respect you, and now you respect me.

Alright my lovelies that is all for now 💕

Let me know your views on respect, I would love to hear them.

Also who is someone you have a lot of respect for?
Till next time my lovelies💕

Girl With A Blog, out✌️

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