3. Reunited

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"Elijah!" I yell as I run up to him, immediately jumping into his arms.

"You scared the fuck out of me Alex, don't ever do that shit again." Elijah says, his voice tight as he does. I pull out of the hug and grab his face. I smile before pinching both of his cheeks.

He hates it.

"Alex, stop." Elijah says pushing my hands away causing me to pout. I pull him into one more hug before walking towards Glenn who is currently off to the side, watching Andrea and Amy reunite. I catch Glenn by surprise by wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey there." Glenn says humorously as he returns the hug.

"You know I kinda thought you died when you weren't in the van." I say as I pull away, laughing as I do so.

"You cant get rid of me that easily."

I look away from Glenn at the sound of Carl's voice.

"Dad!" I hear Carl yell as he begins running towards Rick. "Dad!"

Rick runs up to Carl, meeting him halfway. Carl throws his arms around Ricks neck, the sound of Ricks cry's breaking my heart.

I knew that Shane wasn't Carl's dad but I never really asked Lori about Carl's real dad, I didn't want to offend her or push her into something she wasn't comfortable with sharing.

Rick slowly stands up, holding Carl in his arms as he walks over to Lori who is standing in shock.

I would be very shocked if someone I thought was dead suddenly came out of nowhere so her reaction to this whole thing is very understandable.

I smile as Lori pulls Rick into a hug, her hand resting on the back of Rick's head as they reunite.

I look over to Glenn who is still beside me and see him greeting Baby who seemingly just got here.

"So I don't exist?" I say causing Baby to look up at me before jumping on me, causing me to fall back. She smothers me in kisses as she gets on top of me, Glenn laughing at me in the back.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too." I say as she stops licking my face. I plant my lips on the top of her head before pushing her off of me and wiping my now drenched face. I look at Glenn and see him dying laughing on the ground.

"That wasn't funny." I say as I reach out and hit him in the arm, which only makes him laugh harder.

"You're a Jerk."


"Disoriented," Rick starts, all of us around the campfire looking at him. "I guess that comes closest. Disoriented."

I listen to Rick as he tells us what happened. Rick was put in a coma after he was shot and that's when the apocalypse started. He woke up in the middle of it and still survived.

I don't know if I would be able to do that.

"Fear, Confusion all those things but," Rick continues, "Disoriented comes closest."

I look down at my lap that is currently occupied by Baby's face. I stroke her head causing her to wake up for a quick second before closing them again, falling back asleep.

"Words can be meager things, sometimes they fall short." Dale states, placing his now empty cup on the floor.

"I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else." Rick continues, "For a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever."

I look over to Elijah who is sitting right next to me, passed out in his chair. I smile at the sight of him curled up in a ball on a very small lawn chair, his head resting on the arm rest as he lightly snores.

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