-Memories down the laneM A N I K
The hospital room was as devoid of beauty as I was of hope. Its walls were simply cream, not peeling or dirty, just cream. There was no decoration at all .The room had an undertone of bleach and the floor was simply grey. I'd made so many observations about the room each time I entered inside, with my heart all sombre and dismal. It has been the same way since 8 days we had been here. 8 days, 8 full days where she wasn't responding and her lack of cheerfulness was dreary and gloomy to my heart.
When I walked into her room today, there was a separate feeling enveloping inside. It was distinct, considering what I'd felt the entire week, but there was a bit of optimism reinforcing in the corner of my brain. The mere thought about it made me giddy, with a small smile trying to exhibit from my face. I looked around to anticipate any swift movement from Nandini's body, like I always did, for every past day. Everyday, I'd miraculously wish that she would flutter her lashes, heave her breathing, shudder her legs, sniff around the homely redolence of the food, Navya made for Nandini in the hope that she would feed her and speak for hours before we all fell asleep.
"Manik, go have a sandwich or something. You haven't eaten anything since morning", I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I recognised that Cabir was standing and scrutinizing my behavior for the past hour. I knew I was standing for more than a hour, exactly in the same position, for my muscles felt stiffened and legs felt flimsy. I sighed and simply nodded to make my way through the gate. I walked and stumbled across a brazen faced Navya who still refuted to eye me around, while making me guilty about my past acts. She went inside and I heaved towards the canteen, while my life clips hovered around like a tape. I remembered the first day I hired her. I wouldn't say she was the brightest employee who had come that day to interview, nor she had those two paged fancy resume, bloating about over-unachievable accomplishments, family histories or massive connections. She was there, just being herself- optimistic, straight forward, convincing and exhibiting traits of being a learner. We wanted someone like her, who modestly and patiently, learnt from us and had our own practical application of mind on the subject.
I walked more on the front and leaned near the dusty canteen pane, "one sandwich and orange juice, please". The attendant nodded, collected my money and requested me to take a seat.
I sat on one of the corner seats, that were shaped like huge pipes and leant my back near the wall. I closed my eyes for the inlook and recalled every moment spend with her. I reminisced how I was having mild cold, sore throat and still had to attend office becausse of an important meeting. I'd cancelled every other non-value additive tasks that day and rested on my swivel chair, while still struggling with my throat.
"Have this in one shot", I snapped and opened my eyes to see a rather impudent Nandini, standing on the front, shoving a cup of what seemed like alcohol coloured liquid. Apparently, I had assumed that she served me brandy and was befuddled on how she managed to sneak it around. I snucked up my face and she spoke with her pertinent straight face that tried shutting away the pieces of concern, "this is an ayurvedic tea, with tinge of lemon and is filled with rich and medicinal herbs. You would require to make an important assignment today and you can't do it with the sore throat and frog-typed raspy voice"
There was a sudden change in her demeanour, she carried more of command and valour in her voice. It could had easily confused someone about the hierarchy of authority shared between us as I simply followed her instructions with a straight childlike face, trying to save any whines or contain any displeasure on that account. I swiftly drank in a go, while experiencing highest inexplicable sensations down my throat. I tried chugging it down in a go, hoping that the pain of now shall end the suffering then.