dating sean

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- lots of hand holding (he's such a softie uwu)

- kissesss: forehead, nose, lips, you name it

- cuddling in bed (he's most likely the big spoon)

- him sketching you all the time (but you don't really mind)
"is that another drawing of me"
"nooooo.. ok maybe"

- going to parties together and sometimes lyla even tags along

- going for walks late at night and enjoying each other's company

- watching a movie together and daniel comes and sits between you guys (sean gets annoyed but you think it's cute)

- parenting daniel when he misbehaves #parentinggoals

- lying on the grass in the front yard to look at the stars or maybe even to just watch the sunset

word count: 115

a/n: heyy i know this is short but i thought it was cute so i'll just leave it here for y'all to enjoy🥰
i might do some more preferences i hope you guys don't mind, they're kinda fun hehe
anyways have a great day/night wherever you are and i'll see ya in the next one :)

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